Mana Spirit(Unedited)

just a heads-up, this chapter(at least I think so) have a lot of info-dumping.


Only after an hour passed since Celes finished the trial did she and Nex managed to get rid of the Mage Guild's Guild Master and buy a few things they needed to get before returning to the dojo.

After they arrived, Nex chose an empty spot and began to draw with a special ink a large magic circle that featured weird runes on which a placed small magic stones that glowed from mana.

Seeing this, everyone became curious and gathered to watch.

"Damn you!" Louis frowned upon seeing the strange runes and symbols he never saw before and grunted, "Using who's permission do you scribble your witchcraft on my dojo floor!?"

"It's not witchcraft," Celes giggled, "It's Spirit Formation."

"Wow!" Eddie and Roland's eyes widened in excitement, "Does it mean Big Bro is going to summon a Spirit?"

"Close," Celes smiled, "He is going to awake a hibernating one!"

"That's doesn't seem right," Louis shook his head and pointed at magic stones inside the magic circle, "Those are clearly Mana Stones! How are you going to awake a Spirit without any Spirit energy?"

"Because it's not a normal Spirit," Nex finished drawing the magic circle and then put one last magic stone in its place, causing the Spirit Formation to slowly start to glow along with the magic stones inside it.

"This is a Mana Spirit."

"Did you heard what you just said?" Louis stared at Nex as if he just said the sky is pink, "Everyone knows that almost every Spirit is mainly composed of mana! You could pretty much call every one of them a Mana Spirit!"

"If you think of it like that, then you probably right," Nex nodded with a smile before pulling out the necklace Celes got from the trial, "But the child that is inside here is called like that because that her Innate Attribute is pure mana."

"What!?" Louis's eyes widened in shock as he stared at the necklace in disbelief, "Is something like that even possible!?"

"Surprising, right?" Nex grinned, "I got a shock when I first heard about this type as well."

"Big Brother?" Roland raised his hand in confusion, "What does it mean for a Spirit to have pure mana as their attribute?"

"Let's see, since you don't know much about spirits, I will need to start from the beginning," Nex rubbed his chin in thought before explaining with a smile, "There are several ways for a Spirit to be born, but they pretty much can be summed to the same process."

"At first, a Spirit begins from being no more than a lump of Nature Force and Spirit Energy that formed a bit of conscious. Next, the Spirit's conscious develop over time and at some point, they begin to instinctively gather pure mana into themselves in order to create a body that will allow it to further grow, this part will take a very long time if the spirit doesn't grow in a proper environment."

Aside from the smiling Celes and Louis, who already knew such things and just waited for the final part, everyone was listening attentively, knowledge about Spirits is not something that is easily available, especially for those that are from Earth, where just getting in contact with a Spirit is something that is very hard to do since they are mostly live in zones of their owns.

"And lastly, now that the Spirit formed themselves a body, which is probably more proper to be called a fetus, they can finally make a bit of contact with the physical world. Since they are still forming themselves and don't have complete awareness, they still blindly absorb energy from their surroundings and this time, it includes the energies in the physical world who will serve as the last ingredient for the mix. Depending on the environment they are in and what kind of energies there are there, the Innate Attribute that the spirit will form as the last stage of their birth will vary among countless options, starting having a simple element such as fire or earth, special laws such as space or time, or even unknown concepts that normal beings such as ourselves can't even be aware of their existence!"

"Now for the for our little pal over here," Nex lifted the necklace with a smile, "She is what can be called an anomaly or a mutant. Instead of creating contact with the physical world when she gathered enough pure mana to have a body, this naughty kid actually did something very extraordinary and actually developed some awareness ahead of time! Just to make it clear, the chances of this happening are less than the chances for a new-born to learn to speak fluently when they are only less than a year old!"

"Now, can anyone guess how developing awareness this early will affect the still forming Spirit? Do notice I gave a hint earlier!" Nex asked like a science teacher.

The group seemed deep in thought before Jane cautiously raised her hand as if she is going to regret what she was doing at any moment, "It's because that even though they developed some awareness, the Spirit is basically still a fetus, and like every fetus, they would prefer to stay in the familiar and comfortable environment they know. So they will probably stay in their mana-gathering state until they reach a certain limit and something happens as a result."

"And a golden star for the lovely Jane who has both beauty and brain!" Nex declared like an enthusiastic tv show host and sent golden stars that were formed from mana to the blushing Jane that most likely wanted to bury herself right now, "That is correct! The unborn Spirit is a lazy coward, even if they have the basics instincts that tell it to connect to the physical, they will still choose to ignore it in order to stay in their current state! And this continues like that until the point the mana they gathered burst forte from overload and force the Spirit its a part of to become a semi-physical entity along with it."

"At that moment, the basic instincts of the Spirit kicks in and makes them go through the last stage of their birth and take the energy they are most familiar with as an Innate Attribute, which is, you guessed it, pure mana!"

"And just like that, a new Mana Spirit is born," Nex concluded with a smile, "Do you have any questions?"

Elise, who saw what just happened to Jane, who was still surrounded by golden stars, desperately tried to stop her curiosity. But before she knew it she was lifting her hand, "Is there something special about a spirit having this innate attribute?"

"Excellent question Elise! Here a golden star for the disciple that tries to prove that she is talented in learning as she is in fighting!" and with another wave of the hand, a barrage of golden stars flew to the beet red Elise who stared at Nex with a face that says "What do you mean "tries to prove"!?"

"Normally when Spirit get their Innate Attribute," Nex ignored his disciple and started to explain with great enthusiasm, "The Attribute mixes with the Innate Spirit Energy they were born from and create a new type of Spirit Energy that they are not only able to generate on their own but also have the best of abilities of both the Innate Attribute and Innate Spirit Energy. You can imagine it as a person that was born with a special physique that turns the mana that is inside his body the abilities of a powerful element and supreme affinity for it. For Spirit, it's the same only that instead of blood and flesh that has an affinity to the element, a Spirit's body is composed of mana of that element, and instead of mana, the energy in their body is the Attribute Spirit Energy."

"But the brat over here only have pure mana to be mixed with their Innate Spirit Energy so what can they do with that?" Nex asked before answering with a smirk, "What most of the intelligent races of the world including us can do. Magic!"

"What!?" everyone aside from Celes became shocked and stared at Nex with wide eyes.

Everyone, even ignorant people on earth, know that Spirits can only use Spirit spells that they either created on their own using their monstrous affinity or Spirit Techniques that are only usable by contracted Spiritualists or high-level Spirits! The never heard of a Spirit that is able to use magic or even manipulate mana outside their body!

"As I said, when Innate Attribute fuses with Spirit Energy, it brings out the best in both of them, and since the pure mana in the Spirit's body is great enough to easily overwhelm the Most of the Spirit Energy, the energy that is created can be called more as pure mana with properties of Spirit Energy in addition rather than Spirit Energy that also has the properties of pure mana. So not only can a Mana Spirit use magic much better than the overwhelming majority of Mages thanks to their overwhelming affinity to mana, but they will be able to easily use Spirits' abilities since that aside from their soul, they are only mana and Spirit Energy without any extra element that will dilute the two!"

"Bastard enough with the biology lesson and just answer me this," Louis suddenly called impatiently and stared at Nex with a very serious expression, "Is contracting this Spirit will cause what I think it will cause?"

"Yes," Nex nodded with a smile, "But it will be far from simple to do."

"Big Bro what are you talking about?" Eddie asked curiously, "What will happen if someone contracts this Spirit?"

"I see that the Formation is about to be ready so I will make this quick," Nex glanced at the Formation that began to glow brighter and brighter before turning his head back.

"When a Spiritualist contract with a Spirit, they are sharing with each other their energy and will," Nex lifted both of his hands and made a glowing ball of light in each one, one blue and the other green. Then, he made a line that connects them and shares a bit of their color with each other, "The Spiritualist uses the connection to use the Spirit's Spirit Energy and affinity in order to get their power and execute techniques that the Spirit couldn't do on their own. While on the other hand, the Spirit stays at the Spiritualist's body and use his mana and life force in order to greatly increase their originally snail-speed growth rate to as fast as their Spiritualist. Don't worry about how it sounds, having a spirit to be in your body like that will almost never hurt you but only bring you great benefits!"

"Now what happens if you Contract with a Mana Spirit?" Nex vanished the green ball of light and instead created a blue ball that has a green core, "Considering that don't have a special physique and the main energy you have is Pure Mana. When you contract a Mana Spirit, instead of just creating a simple connection, something much more amazing happens."

Nex created a connection between the balls of light, and as if it is the most natural thing in the world, the two balls got closer and closer before meeting each other and creating a bright flash of light. And when the light died down everyone stared in wonder at the large ball of blue-green light that shined stronger than the previous two combined.

"They fuse."

"Does that mean that the Spirit and the Contractor have become one?" Roland asked.

"Not exactly," Nex shook his head, "If you want to be accurate, then things that were fused was the Contractor's Mana Pool and the Spirit's body and energy. The two souls are not touched more than normal and the Spirit can still form itself outside the Contractor's body like normal."

"Cool!" Eddie's eyes shone with excitement as he stared at the necklace that housed that so-called Mana Spirit, "So it must mean that the Spiritualist and the Spirit's powers grow to an amazing level and become super-high right?"

"Yes, very," Nex confirmed with a smile.

"Then can I please contract it?" Eddie asked with a pleading gaze while imagining how OP he would become with this awesome Spirit, "Pretty please?"

"About that…" Nex smiled awkwardly and seem to think how to answer before someone already did it for him.

"Haha! If it was with any other Spirit then there would have been a chance," Celes began to suddenly laugh as if she heard something hilarious, while on the other hand, the awkward face of Nex darkened, "The Spirit would stick to Nex like super-glue and won't let him get away from him until he formed a contract with her! It will probably be for the best as well to be like that!"

"Why is that?" Jane asked with a frown upon seeing Eddie disappointed expression.

"Because that Mana Spirits are a bunch of spoiled brats with bad behavior!" Celes still let out giggles, "They will die before they would choose to contact someone who doesn't have at the very least one-in-a-hundred thousand talent in both Mana Ability and Spirits Affinitiy! And not one of us can even get close to our moron level in Mana Ability, not to mention his freakish Spirits Affinitiy that make any Spirit that see him fall for him from the first gaze!"

"Celes it's not only that," Nex shook his head with a wry smile, "Even if the child would not want me to form a contract with her, I still couldn't allow anyone aside from you and Louis to contract her. It is far too dangerous and probably impossible for them to handle."

"What do you mean Big Brother?" asked Roland, who also felt disappointment like Eddie earlier.

"You will soon know," Nex saw that the Formation has reached the peak and sighed before entering it and leaving a few words behind, "No one is allowed to get close until I say so."

He then ignored that swirling mana around him and went straight into the center of the Formation where he held the necklace with one hand while putting the other one on the ground where all of the main lines of the formation connected.


And right after he said it, the formation began to rapidly gather the mana from all around and enter into Nex body through his hand.

In just a few moments, Nex felt that the limit of the amount of mana his body could handle is about to arrive but he didn't stop and instead uttered another chant as he streamed the mana into the hand that held the necklace.

"[Awaken]"(Spirit Kings Language)

And for a moment, the gem of the necklace vibrated. It didn't go unnoticed for Nex as he streamed the mana inside his body to the gem at the moment that happened while speaking in a gentle tone.

"[You have been sleeping for a long time little one, and time for you to wake up has arrived.]" (Spirit Kings Language)

As if the mana and the words are injecting it with liveliness, the gem began to vibrate more and more while blue light began to gather inside it as if it wants to break out.

"[I can see how much you yearn to wake up,]" Nex stroked the gem with his thumb before smiling and injecting all of the absorbed mana at once.

"[Then just do it!]" (Spirit Kings Language)


Blue pillar of light shot from the gem into the sky and like a vacuum absorbed all of the mana in the surrounding, and only after a few moments did it stop and began to compress to a floating blue sphere.

Seeing that everything went well, Nex sighed in relief before smiling at the sphere and extending his hand.

"My name is Nex, what is your name little one?"

There was a silence for a moment before an adorable voice that spoke in a sleepy tone was heard, [My... name? Do you want to know... my name?]

"Only if you are willing to tell me," Nex nodded with a smile.

[I'm willing…only if you get close enough... so that I would be able to sense you…] the voice answered softly as if it was still feeling very tired.

"Very well," Nex smiled and got closer until his face was only a short distance away from the sphere.

[I can sense you now… I will tell you my name now…] cracks began to appear on the sphere as the voice spoke, [My name is…]


And just like that, the sphere broke and everyone watched in wonder as out of it came an adorable little fairy with shining blue eyes and hair and a pair of wings that seemed like they made from the most beautiful and colorful gems.

[??? Spirit (Elite) LV: 25(Pre Second Awakening)]

She let out a big yawn and rubbed her eyes lazily before suddenly realizing that Nex was staring at her with a smile.

[Ah!] she let out a joyful yelp before flying excitedly to Nex and hugging his face, [Master! Master! Please let Sapphire form a Contract with you! Please! Please! Please!]

"Told you it will happen," Celes giggled, "If Nex wanted to, pretty much every Spirit would react like that upon meeting him."

"Hold on a minute Sapphire," Nex smiled calmly as if he knew miles ahead of that it will happen and with gentle movements, took the Spirit to his hands and rubbed her head to her delight, "Although I also want to form a contract with you, there are still some preparations to do if we want it to be the best. So in the meantime don't do problems alright?"

[Wuu…] although she quite enjoyed the petting, Nex words still made her pout, [Okay! But promise me it won't take long okay?]

"I promise," Nex nodded while thinking about something else.

'Like hell, I am going to keep a natural havoc maker such as you unchained for long!'