My EXP!?(Unedited)

[You made a Soul Bounded Contract with the ??? Spirit Sapphire! Because of the level difference, Sapphire's level went down to 22!]

[Thanks to the Contract changes appeared in your body! Spirit Energy and Mana have combined in a mysterious way to create entirely new energy!]

[You have chosen to name the energy: Prime Force!]

[??? Spirit Sapphire has transformed to become Prime Spirit!]

[Results of the Contract:

Mana stats turned to Prime and all bonuses added to it will still apply!

Magic Power(MP) turned to Prime Force(PF) but thanks to its properties, it will still retain the mana bonuses applied on it!

All Stats' effectiveness has doubled while the effectiveness of Prime has been raised by an additional 50%!

Prime Stat growth rate increased for the Unawakened stage by 2 and for the First Awakening Stage by 4! (Base Prime stat: 282)

You are now able to use Spirit Techniques using Prime Force!]

'As I thought, it was a success,' after convincing Sapphire to sleep in order to adapt to her new power, Nex smirked as he looked at the system messages while ignoring that everyone is watching him with shock, including even Celes that had her mouth hung open a bit.

"Nex," Celes called him and woke him up from his gloating and asked, "How did you do it? I thought that we can't do things that will change our avatars unless it's through the system?"

"You just said the answer," Nex smiled before explaining, "Since the fusion is done by Sapphire and not directly by the system, the system will have to allow my avatar to have transformations manually, so I used this loophole to add some few additions of my own."

"I see," Celes nodded.

"So Big Bro, are you super strong now?" Eddie asked with shining eyes, the whole contract process seemed extremely cool like it was from an awesome movie from start to finish, so he was very expectant to see how powerful Nex was now.

"If compared to how I was half an hour ago, then yes, I became super-strong," Nex smiled and ruffled the kid hair and Beastman ears, "But I will show you if I have a proper chance in the future, Louis here will be mad if I start breaking things here after all."

"Okay," the kid nodded with a bit disappointment before asking another question, "Can you make me strong like that as well?"

"Of course!" Nex had a bright expression, "Now that my theory is correct, the power-up plans that I had for each of you could be enacted in the near future! I wouldn't want to always adventure alone because I got too strong after all!"

"Yay!" Eddie cheered while Jane and Elise had excited expressions as well, "What is the plan for my power-up?"

"That's a secret," Nex winked and turned to Elise and Jane, "Get ready, we are going on our first hunt now that we are ready."

"What?" Jane frowned, "But it's about to be night time, it will be too dangerous to hunt outside in the dark."

"Who said we are going to hunt outside?" Nex smirked, "When there is perfectly normal Dungeon right inside the city?"


"So to summarize, Dungeons is a layered Nests of monsters or demonic beings that constantly spawn monsters as long as there is enough mana in the surroundings. Once a Dungeon reaches its limit its bursts out and causes all the monsters inside to come out in waves. They are usually found in places that have a naturally high concentration of Mana or Demonic Energy and luckily for us, every major city in the kingdom have Dungeon inside of them," Nex finished his lesson when they arrived in front of a heavily guarded building in the center of the city.

He then turned to the group that stood behind him, "Any questions?"

"Yes," Elise asked, "Why did they build the city here if there is a Dungeon here? Won't they afraid it will burst?"

"Because as long as you manage it properly, the pros will outweigh the cons!" Nex smiled, "To prevent the Dungeon from bursting, all you need is a group of skilled fighters that will clear down the population of the middle and lower levels, something that can easily be done with the city strength. While what you can get from having a Dungeon near you is easily suppliable monster materials of a higher than normal quality, a hunting and training zone that is in close reach for help in case something happened, and even a stronghold in times of need!"

"Big Bro," Eddie lifted his hand and asked, "But how are we going to enter the Dungeon? I heard that only members of the adventure guild are allowed to enter to hunt in it."

"You reminded me," Nex nodded and pulled out the Adventurer Badge from the inventory and put it on, "I removed it before I fought Louis and forget to put it back on."

"Teacher is that an Adventurer Badge!?" Elise could do the simple math and quickly realized what this simple ornament represented, "I heard only the best players could get one and even then they could only get green, blue, and indigo stars, I never heard of a silver one!"

"That is because this is the one before the highest grade, Master," Nex smiled, "From what I heard from Roland, you need to have the ability to win someone an Awakening above you to get this and from the level of the current players, there probably no more than a dozen who could do this aside from me."

"*Sigh* That makes sense," everyone aside from Celes sighed together, they realized that getting shocked every time that Nex is doing something amazing is only a waste of time and they should just accept it without raising a redundant commotion.

"Good," Nex smiled brightly at them and after forming a party with them he turned around and signaled them to follow him, "Then let's go hunt some monsters!"

Reaching the entrance there was a post was a middle-aged guard waited for them wearing armor and gear that's meant for the Adventure Guild staff stood in place and seemed to keep his eye on Nex the moment he reached the area.

"Good evening to you!" Nex smiled and showed him the badge, "I heard that Master Ranked adventures are allowed to come in with an additional party of five, and since we are less than that I guess we could go in without any problem right?"

The guard stared at Nex deeply before sighing tiredly and nodding and handing him a small bracelet, "You are correct. You may enter with your group and using the functions that are installed in the magic array of the bracelet you will find your hunting much more safer and efficient."

"But as the one in charge here, I must say something, Sir," he then added respectfully and added with a wry smile, "Please don't make troubles here even if it is just at the lower floors, I am proud to say that for the last years there weren't any major accidents that happened here and I would very much like to keep it this way."

"Oh, so you bothered about that huh?" Nex smiled awkwardly at how his reputation turned into a major troublemaker, "Don't worry, I am only here to train my friends how to hunt properly. If I wanted to do anything messy, then, of course, I will do it outside the city."

"Thank you," the guard sighed in relief and cleared the way for them.


"If the map in this thingy is correct, then we have arrived!" Nex declared after checking the bracelet.

After following Nex through the empty corridors in the Dungeon they suddenly found themselves inside a large and dark cave that had given off an ominous feeling.

"[Dark Sight]" Nex waved his hand at the group, "I cast a buff that allows you to see in the dark, just blink a few times and it will activate."

"Cool!" Eddie blinked a few times and indeed, he could now see around two dozens meters inside of the cave clearly!

"And I am supposed to be the one who cast amazing buffs," Jane sighed in indignation.

"I will teach you those types of things when you will be proficient enough with healing spells," Nex smiled and consoled her, "Your class bonuses and gear will soon enough help you surpass me in that regard."

"Now let's start the hunting," Nex picked up a small stone from the ground and threw it into the dark area that extended beyond what the rest of the group could see.

There was a sound of the stone hitting something hard and soon enough a figure could be seen running over while holding a sword.

[Skeleton Warrior(Rare) LV:20]

"That is the kind of enemy you will face here!" Nex pointed at it with a smile.

"Are you crazy?" Jane stared at him as if he was out of his mind, "Aside from you, Elise is the highest leveled her at level 18 while I and Eddie are only level 15! Not to mention Celes who is only Level 12(extra EXP from the Awakening Trial)!"

"I am aware," Nex smiled and without turning his gaze, moved slightly to the side and easily dodged the Skeleton slash before elbowing its head and throwing it back a few meters, "But once you learned properly how to deal with them, those kinds of monsters will pose no threat to you even if they were Bosses!"

"So who is going to try first?"

"I am-" Eddie was about to run over before Jane blocked him and stepped ahead.

"I am going first," she glared at Nex, "If anything goes wrong you're a dead man!"

"Don't worry," Nex smiled and pointed at the Skeleton that seemed to wake up from the daze, "I picked this place since the undead monsters here are vulnerable to your healing spells, just try it."

"*Sigh*[Large Heal]"(Perias Holy Language)

A bright flash of white light shot from her wand and struck the Skeleton, and almost instantly, the poor monster was burned to ashes by the white flames that were created by the holy spell.

"What?" Jane's eyes widened she only expected the monster to be slightly injured, not get insta-killed like it just did!

"Shocking right?" Nex smiled, "With your talent, it would probably end up like this if you have tried one of the actual attack spells that I taught you."

"You too, Elise and Eddie," Nex turned to them, "The level and ranks in this game aren't that important, as long as you are able to move around properly and deliver an attack with the right strength, you don't need to be afraid of even higher leveled Bosses! The skills I taught you along with your talent are more than capable of allowing you to do it as long as you get more experienced."


"25! Haha! Sister Jane aren't you still at 17? I guess you need to try harder!" Elise laughed and teased Jane.

After realizing how right Nex words were and how effective the skills he thought he was in increasing her performance, she found herself destroying skeleton after skeleton inside the cave without much problem.

"Don't get cocky!" Jane grumbled and tried to restore her mana as fast as possible, "It's only because you don't have to use as much mana as me! If I was allowed to use mana potions, then I would pass you by at least twenties kills!"

In order to train their breathing technique and mana usage, Nex banned them from using mana potions to restore their MP without his permission. So Jane who could only use spells found herself running out of energy quite fast although the ease she had in killing the Monsters.

"Hmph, just you wait!" Eddie muttered while hearing those two, "I think I am about to get the hang of it so soon enough I am going to kill a ton more Monsters than you two!"

"Then show it's true first," Nex commented from the side with a smile as a Skeleton Warrior charged toward the kid.

"That's easy!" Eddie laughed and at the moment the undead swung its sword at him, he parried it with his shield before it got to a high momentum using a Skill and using the sword that was in his other hand, he stabbed the Skeleton at its neck bones while imbuing mana into the attack and broke them completely.

"7!" he declared with a smile and made a V sign at Nex.

"You brat," Nex laughed. If Jane was stupidly talented when it comes to Soul and Spells, then Eddie is stupidly talented when it comes to physical capabilities and martial arts! To get such proficiency in fighting while using Skills so quickly, there probably so few kids with that level of talent both inside and outside the game that they are numbered only in the few dozens and that's when not considering his powerful special physique!

"Fufu~ having fun playing around I see?" A voice was heard and soon enough, a giggling Celes arrived at the scene after coming back from who-knew-where, "I don't remember how much I killed, but since I reached my current level I guess it was quite a lot~"

"20!?" everyone became shocked. Since she went hunting elsewhere, they didn't get notification about her level-ups or shared EXP so they didn't know she was leveling at that crazy speed at all!

"I didn't give you so many mana potions, so how could you hunt so many Bosses? No scratch that, how could you find them?" Nex asked after thinking about the huge amount of monsters he had to hunt in order to get to that level. To get to that level at the time it took Celes seemed a bit weird.

"What are you talking about? There were barely any Bosses around here," Celes stared at him as if he said something weird, "I mostly hunted Elite and Lord monsters to get to this level, the EXP you gain from them after you pass the Beginner Village is quite good so I didn't need to take much time to raise my level."

Wait... What!?

All the possibilities passed like lightning through Nex's mind before he found the one that fitted perfectly.

"Eddie I am sorry but I need you to have your ears covered for what about to come," Nex sighed with a cool and relaxed face and cast a spell that momentarily blocked the kid's hearing.

"And now," Nex took a deep breath and calmly removed his glove before smashing it on the ground with everything he had.

"You motherfu**ing stinking tattoo!"

The girls stared at him with shock while Eddie thought he lost his mind as saw Nex holding his hand and shaking it as if he is trying to choke it.

"Where are all of my EXP huh!? If Celes managed to level so easily, how the hell all I got from killing thousands of high leveled demons, a god-damned Devil, and even a fu**ing Second Awakening Hybrid was only reaching level 22!? Tell me!?"

*Bzzz!* *Bzzz!*

The tattoo shined and buzzed back strangely as if Nex shaking acutally making it dizzy.

"The fu*k you do mean "it was part of the deal"!? How come I wasn't aware of this!? I let it slide when you didn't let me do normal quests out of nowhere and didn't even give me class bonuses aside from the extra profession that I couldn't use until who knows when, but now you actually dare to say that you are leeching off my EXP because we did an agreement I wasn't even aware off!?"


"Screw your "tee-hee~"! Give back my hard effort-"


"Fine! Give me my somewhat effort back!"


"What do you mean you already used it!? On what you even had to use it for!?"


"Gaining the ability to talk!? And you already learned some words!? Prove it!"

[You…] a somewhat unstable voice came out from the tattoo and gave Nex a shock.

It actually let out something!

[You… are… a…]

The voice got increasingly smaller so Nex got his ear close in order to listen.


The voice suddenly became clear and full of ridicule.


[haha… your… face… perfect…]

"Son of a b*tch!"

[Wait… Bastard…]

"Quick! Catch him before he cut his hand off!" the girls, that enjoyed the show and couldn't stop laughing, quickly cooled down upon seeing Nex pull out his sword and frantically ran toward him while Eddie, who couldn't hear anything, stared at with Nex a horrified gaze as he saw the latter about to stab his sword through his palm.