
[World Announcement: The player "Everyone else is a Noob" is the first to both kill and solo an Imperial-Rank Boss, Congratulations!]

[World Announcement: The player "Everyone else is a Noob" is the first to both kill and solo an Imperial-Rank Boss, Congratulations!]

[World Announcement: The player "Everyone else is a Noob" is the first to both kill and solo an Imperial-Rank Boss, Congratulations!]

"Yes! Haha! I won the bet of when he would do it!"

"Damn! I missed in just two days!

"I put my money on that he will kill it together with the Absolute EmpressT_T."

"Sorry guys if the question sounds stupid, I'm new to the game and don't understand much. Why did almost everyone here bet that this player will be the first to kill that boss? Isn't it a different story now that the major guilds have gained a monopoly on most of the hunting zones, treasures, and special Class?"

"You clearly overestimate the major guilds pal, even their best teams currently doesn't have the confidence to face head-on a Lord Boss without having over 30% death rate! On the other hand, this bastard soloed a damn Royal Boss on the first day of the game! So whatever mysterious trick he used to kill all those Bosses, it gave him a much higher chance to do it again than the Major Guilds!"





"Tch," Nex clicked his tongue in disappointment as he watched the game forums through his watch, "Those guys are no fun! What's the point of doing things like that if others don't freak out from this?"

"Because you already gave them too much shock in an early stage," Celes rolled her eyes at him, "How could you troll them again if you already made them numb from it?"

"Well, that's a bummer," Nex sighed and closed the watch before calling out to Jane who just stood at the middle of the training area and had a bothered expression on her face, "Jane I know that you are worried about how Eddie is doing there, but you have to do something that would make you think about something else if you want to get used to it!"

"Damn you! Who the hell said I want to get used to Eddie playing around with some…" at this point her voice died down and she blushed when she Nex lifts his palm with a smirk so she quickly found something else to say, "Someone we know nothing about! Who knows what is happening to him there!"

"You're too worried," Nex shook his head, "That girl is the same age as him and now that he has learned how to better control his power, she can't really force him to do anything he doesn't want to do."

"And as for her parents-" Nex was about to continue before suddenly smiling and turning to Celes, "Pretend that you have your power level is the same one you had when you were tested."

"Sure," Celes smiled and nodded, she seemed to sensed something as well.

"Teacher did something happened?" Elise and Jane became tense at their strange behavior.

"You will see in a moment," Nex smiled and moved some distance away from them.


A loud sound was heard and reality seemed to fold for a moment before returning to normal. Only that this time a man appeared out of nowhere and held a sword against Nex throat.



"What's up bestie!" instead of an expected reaction for this kind of situation, Nex actually laughed happily toward the man and beamed at him. It was the man he harassed at the entrance of the school when he picked up Eddie a few days ago.

"Don't move an inch," the man hissed at Nex as a response.

"Nex what the hell is happening!?" Jane asked with a distressed look, that man gave her a terrifying sensation to the level that the only times she felt something close to this was when Nex got angry back when he saved her from the Hunters and the Demon.

"Allow me to present you to my good friend," Nex smiled and explained, "He's the father of Eddie's friend and also the most powerful person in the world."

"Shut up!" the man barked at him with a furious face, "I don't want to hear any more of your retarded nonsense! Now answer me this, how long have you and that blonde over there has been staying in this world?"

"And you just said threw it out to the open huh?" Nex smiled bitterly while Celes sighed and returned her aura to normal before commenting to Nex, "He's quite sharp isn't he?"

"Answer! Now!" the man yelled and a moment after a terrifying pressure came out from him that made the air vibrate and make Jane and Elise feel like they under an ice-cold waterfall.

"I guess we need to continue this in another place," Nex sighed and grabbed the sword before a flash of light appeared and made the two men disappear in the next moment.

"To think that there is someone of that level around here," Celes sighed and shook her head.

"Will Nex be okay?" Jane asked worriedly, "They seemed like they were equal at strength."

"Yeah, he will be fine," Celes smiled, "He dealt with way worse things."

"Thank god," Jane sighed in relief when suddenly a shaky voice was heard.

"Sister Celes," Elise asked with a very confused gaze, "What did that man meant by how long you and Teacher have been staying in this world?"


In the middle of a huge desert where not a hint of civilization could be seen for hundreds of miles, two men appeared with one of them holding the blade of a sword that was held by the other.

"You don't just reveal a man's secret in front of his disciple you know?"

Nex sighed and released the sword while complaining, "I wanted to slowly tell her so that she will not freak out too much at once. What you just did could have been harmful to the great friendship between us!"

"I don't give a damn about the little harem game you have!" the man's expression didn't change as he continued to glare at Nex while his sword began to shine in a threatening light, "All I want to know is how long you two have been here and which god damn world did you came here from?"

"Okay, first of all, it isn't a harem game," Nex commented before thinking a bit and adding with a worried face, "Or at least I hope so."

"And as for the main subject, is it really how you treat your senior? Honestly, I am quite hurt."

"My senior?" the man furrowed his eyebrows before suddenly remembering something he was told a very long time ago, "It's impossible! I have been told that before me there was only one occurrence of dimensional traveling, and it was to the Forbidden Zone! No one should have been able to leave that place once they got in!"

"I was said to be quite tenacious when it comes to difficult difficult things," Nex shrugged, "And I guess you're the one that was kidnapped to another place after me? Seeing that you had a hint of Primal Energy I guess you got back before the Earth Awakened. And considering the time flow difference of that time you probably spent in that world a few dozen years before coming back huh?"

"That's none of your damn business!" the man barked at Nex before suddenly falling in thought.

"From what I heard, The Mythical Age world was based on a place from the Forbidden Zone," he murmured before asking Nex vigilantly, "Are you connected to the game?"

"So you are clueless about that too huh?" Nex smiled bitterly, "I tried to do some checking by myself since the Laws of the place were indeed similar to place I was stuck in, but aside from seeing that the technology they used probably originated from other dimensions and was harmless, I didn't saw any sign of something weird that might be dangerous so I let it go considering how fun it is and the benefits it brings to the numbskulls Hunters around here."

"I saw it as well," the man shook his head, "But did you find any hints for those special Spirits that are responsible for souls or where are the game servers? No matter how much I searched I couldn't find a sign for either of those two."

"That I can answer," Nex smiled, "The Spirits thing was just a ruse to conceal the fact of the technological level of the game development, the real reason why they are able to do so is that they had the technology to not only duplicate a dimension but even let it develop and create life-based on the original. And the reason they were able to do it in such a short time and not use impossible amounts of data storage is that they created a Virtual Dimension."

"Virtual Dimension? Like a giant dream realm?" the man furrowed his eyebrows, "I heard it's possible in technologically advanced dimensions or by a top-level god, but why did someone with that level of abilities will come here just to create a game that can even help Hunters to grow in strength?"

"You can rule out a god because those guys won't play around with technology like that. And a scientist will get caught the moment he tried to come here using a machine. So the only possible explanation is that someone from earth reached a technologically advanced dimension, learned there and in other similar places what he could, and then returned here using the way he came, and since he probably just wanted to share his knowledge in a cool way, he worked together with the government and created the game using their results," Nex finished voicing his thoughts before adding.

"You probably have been thoroughly checking the subject and got similar results as well, you have to admit that there is no proof that shows that there are bad intentions behind that game."

"At least for now," the man sighed before putting his sword in his spatial storage and glaring at Nex, "I expect from you and your girlfriend to watch yourself as long as you are here. Me letting the puppy brother of one of your little concubines hang around with my daughter and let you go with only a small warning is only because you didn't do anything bad yet."

"And I thank you for that… except for the concubines part," Nex gave half a smile. As they were both experts, they communicated and got familiar with each other using way more than just words, and the words the man said just now showed that he decided to put his trust at Nex and not make a move against him.

"Now that I think about that," Nex suddenly said and stared at the man, who was about to go away, with an expectant gaze, "I didn't get to know your name yet."

The man froze for a moment upon hearing this, and after a few seconds of silence, he finally sighed and spoke reluctantly before disappearing.



"I'm back," Nex appeared back at the training area with a smile, only for his expression to turn slightly bitter when he saw Elise tearful gaze.

"So you two just went ahead and told her huh?"

"Teacher!" Elise immediately ran to him and hugged him while sobbing, "I'm so sorry about your past!"

"Don't worry I am already way past that," Nex sighed and gently tried to soothe the young girl before throwing Jane a glance, 'Celes I can understand to do such thing, but you?'

"Like I could stop her!" Jane sighed in response before asking with a worried gaze, "Did everything went alright? That man seemed very powerful."

"Well, he is," Nex smiled in assurance, "He is probably the main reason why Earth wasn't invaded by other dimensions except for the one the Dark Faction originated from. But in any case, we had some nice chat and now we can be called good friends."

"I see…" going past the shocking first part of Nex's words, Jane had a very good hunch that the second part was agreed by only one person.

"But how did he found out about you two only now?" Jane suddenly realized something strange, "He didn't seem like he knew that you were on Earth at all."

"That's because we already met before when I picked up Eddie from school, " Nex smiled, "He didn't completely sense it then but when he met Eddie at his home and saw that he trained in a technique that shouldn't originate from Earth, all he needed was a simple background check to reach me."

"And now that everything's alright, " Nex lowered his head and chuckled at the girl that stopped crying for some time now and just kept hugging tightly, "I think it's time for you to let me go now. There is still some training you wanted to get to do today right?"

"I don't care about that!" Elise shook her head like a spoiled kid and hugged him even tighter, "I want to get my compensation for having being told about your past way after Sister Jane!"

"Err..." Nex smiled bitterly and requested for help with his gaze from Celes and Jane.

"She has a point," Celes giggled while Jane had a complicated expression before nodding at him and giving him a glare that told him to watch his steps.

"*sigh*, what do you want?"

"I want you to go to a movie with me!" Elise declared while blushing.

"Huh? Is that all?" Nex became confused, he thought that she would ask him to teach her super cool techniques or something, not something like watching a movie. That was a rather unexpected thing to hear from the fighting hardened Elise.

"Yes!" the blush on Elise's face didn't fade and even thickened as she nodded, "I heard there was a new movie that came out that is meant for Hunters and I wanted to see it with someone."

"Well, I don't think there is a problem with that," Nex turned his head toward Jane as he already knew Cele's answer, "Right?"

Jane stared at Elise who looked at her with a pleading face for a few moments before nodding at Nex with a complicated expression.

"There you have it," Nex smiled at Elise, "But since I have that tournament in the game for the next few days, we will go to the movie after that okay?"

"Okay!" Elise beamed and used magic power to tiptoe on the air and give Nex a peck on his cheek before running to Jane and Cele's to give them her thanks and speak with them on "certain" subjects.

"..." Nex rubbed his cheek with a wry expression as he stared at the three amazingly beautiful girls that talked among themselves on things that were related to him in one way or another before a certain sentence he was told just a short time ago popped to his head.

'...the little harem game you have.'
