They stared at each for a while.
"alright the match will be till" Akisame looked at the elder
"let's give him until sunset" Ryouta eyes twitched
"sunset? why so long"
A troubled look appeared on Akisame face
"you're not looking at...*sigh* Ryouta do you agree to his terms"
"...your not trying to pull any tricks are you?" He gave an accused look to the elder. 'I learned from gramps old men are the most crafty'
"haha my boy do you think you can't beat me"
a tick mark appeared on Ryouta head "What I will show you! Don't underestimate me." he looks at Akisame and nodded
"Alright, Ryouta has until sunset to land a blow on the elder's head, face, back, chest, Abdomen, Side or neck. "
'why didn't he just say karate scoring points'
"Ready, begin"
"..." Ryouta just stood there with his mouth open "did he just... run away?"
"Ryouta you never made the rules for the match saying I had to stay still," The elder said behind him
Ryouta tried to punch behind him but hit the air
"fuck. that's cheating"
"You should hurry otherwise you won't be able to win," Akasame said "don't worry he won't leave the dojo"
"oh really? Then I can still win this."
The game of tag begins.
The first hour Ryouta would jump trying to reach him but grabbing air. He ended up destroying trees and walls from his falls. The second hour he started to follow his footsteps. On the third hour he.
'I got you now old man' On a roof Ryouta saw the elder having grapes Miu gave him by a tree. Ryoua jumps and with speed, he hasn't used before and right before he reached him he was pushed back.
"huh" A confused Ryouta looked around "what happened?" The elder was gone.
Every time he was about to reach the elder he suddenly got attacked by something.
"wait isn't that seeds on the ground...SEEDS! the old man is attacking me by spitting the seeds at me"
now that he knew this he was prepared. 'I know if I avoid it that instant he will leave so I must block the seeds at the same time I attack. but I am too slow the way I am'
"haha, you only have two hours left you are to slow to even hit me."
{Chain - Acoustic Cowboy remix} 'what is that? the elder thought he heard something and stopped his steps and looked at Ryouta.
Ryouta...kazu felt like he saw everyone all the people he ever met. He saw how much they shined...he wanted that. He saw his masters, high on massive steps almost reaching the sky. Way above the sky is his grandfather and the elder. at the top is...Ikki. "will I ever reach I will no matter what"
'huh, the boy his expression is starting to change...what are you doing' then Kazu Beane fell off as he moved
and punched at the elder face the elder blocked it and Kazu jumps away as seeds attacked him faster than before he couldn't even block them. They were able to damage the walls. He went from attacking to avoiding the elder's attacks
"1 hour left I won't move from this spot in this hour."
"damn no matter he won't give me a chance..."
"I guess its time to get serious. I was going to save this for my grandfather but I guess I'll use this on you" Ryouta clicked his shoes and they changed to unique skates...similar to A-T just not as impressive.
{back on -chain}
'huh, it's his shoes that are making the noise?'
"what the boy his pressure changed it's like a master level now. "
Ryouta fell forward "huh is he going to fall," Miu asked "huh he disappeared
"no, he didn't you hear that," Shigure said
They heard clashes. Each attack was faster and sharper but the Elder still blocked them all.
"Super Stride IV "Sonic Boom" " He moved so fast he created a sonic boom" The elder was shocked if his aim was better he might have one... and "sonic boom sonic boom" it didn't seem like it was ending
"seed spit" The elder spit seeds at him but then the seed hits Kazu but it goes right through of him. and hits the wall and dust come out. When the smoke cleared there were multiple Kazu"
"huh, why is there so many Ryouta's?" Miu asked
"Clones of Flame" Kazu creates "clones", which are actually the afterimages produced by his run then he is seen in the back of the elder but the elder knows that isn't him and Kazu does his cloak of time to turn invisible. Kazu then charges and uses his Hole Nine Heaven's Door to access Ikki hurricane road and uses the Pile Tornado. He gathers the wind in his hands and then turns them in a circular motion making something that looks like a small tornado, he then kicks the air with his A-Ts sending a powerful, horizontal tornado. this technique manages to hit the elder's back. however, there was a backlash from the attack and Kazu body was hurt injured and he passed out. however not before he said "damn it"
Everyone was shocked. He was brought back to the clinic to be healed. To their surprise, his healing speed was not that of a normal person...
After a day he seemed to be in good health but he was still unconscious. Miu stayed by his side.
The masters were discussing Ryouta
"Elder what was that...his powers seemed to be master level"
"how is that possible? he's only 7 years old."
"Also his healing should take months but in a day he is 30% better
Akasame thought for a moment and responded "he is the heir of the Misaki family"
The room was shocked. They all heard of the Misaki family and how powerful they were especially the old master.
"But his name is Kise?"
"Well, what happened is" The elder begins to explain his situation to the others.
Ryouta is in his bed and regains his conscious. He looks to his side and sees in a chair, Miu. He smiles but then remembers. Miu sees him and comes to him asking if he is okay saying he was reckless fighting her grandfather but before she could continue scolding him he just said he was still a little sleepy and wanted to get some sleep. She nodded knowing his injuries and how bad they were.
As she left he covered his eyes with his arm as tears fell down. "damn it again I lost again..."
***A few days later ***
"So you are leaving now," Kensei said
"Yeah oh about the bet!"
They all frowned they were hoping he forgot about it. Miu was blushing
"here you go a million yen " He gave them each a million yen cheque" Next time I won't lose. I will also be a permanent resident here. " Kazu grunted and ran off. He felt frustrated his Skates were destroyed in the fight with the elder and he still lost.
As he left everyone looked at each other
"Did he forget his bet?"
"It was to land a blow on the elder correct.
"... You don't think he was trying to beat the elder"
"Appa thinks that's why he put his body through that"
"Well his skills are Low Master level but he is only able to utilize mid to high-class disciple level strength, that has to do with his age through "
"He still needs some more training, " Sakaki said
"well, you all put his training practices on his paper right?"
They all nodded at the elder. "then we just have to wait to see what kind of person he will be when he returns... but don't forget his goal isn't to become a martial artist its to become an athlete...the number one so that means he aims to surpass all of you. "
A glint hit all their eyes Miu felt the pressure from all of them. 'Kazu I think they will be even stronger when you next meet them...I hope you can survive the encounter'
"wow, I think my running speed has improved, however, my body still must be sore because all of my body feels heavy. " Kazu said not knowing that he was wearing weighted clothes. even his beanie is weighed heavier.
"I think in a few years I may be stronger than I was in my past life." He runs and to the shrine and then he sees a bunch of people and a giant penis
"...I think I'm here" he looks at the giant penis and thinks"is it weird I'm jealous of the size" he remembers looking at his penis and its the same size as the past life just above average (He forgot he's only 7. Yes he's very dense forgetting but no one treats him like a kid...)
As he is deep in thought he sees a giant fox person scolding a girl his age. He then notices the fox sees him so he pretends he saw nothing. He then a small fox in one of the torii
"pretend you don't notice anything are I will be eaten. no one seems to notice it so it must be a ghost"
The fox appears in front of him
"boy, can you see me?"
"no I don't so I will be going now"
Kazu a person who died is afraid of ghosts he runs away and sees his Uncle
"Old man there you let go"
"ah there you are Ryo, Let me introduce to someone"
"this is Kuzuha Fushimi and this is Inari Fushimi"
"hello" He bowed but he wanted to get out of here
"They are your new mother and sister. This is Ryouta due to certain situation his last name is Kise"
They all bowed down
"old man what's going on?" A very nervous Ryouta knew something was coming
"I have good news and great news. We will be living here and they have a great soccer team here. Isn't that great"
Feeling the Foxes gazes at him he looked up in the sky and thought 'Botan looks like I will be seeing you again'
//AN: I know some of you want him to grow up but there is some stuff I want to establish before that happens. As for the elder, he actually was training Ryouta. Ryouta was able to improve at a rapid pace as he chased him.//