Without Ryouta

"something nice about being back at the Ryōzanpaku" Ryouta said as he sees dojo invaders getting beating up and dragged to Akisame clinic.

As Ryouta enters, Sakaki sees Ryouta and his eyes glow "haha I'm glad you're here, come with me."

Ryouta is taken from the dojo streaming "Hey wait where are you going. I need to see Kensei Ma"

Sakaki just laughed "He will be back tomorrow. Today you're with me"

Ryouta was completely overpowered as he was taken to Sakaki motorbike and they went to an abandoned basketball court under the high way.

Sakaki looks at the confused Ryouta and says "Were here!"

Ryouta starts taking his helmet off and asks "where are we?"

With a smug look on his face, he says "we're at a place street punk gather."

"...." Ryouta just stares at him

Sakaki then realize Ryouta has no clue what's gone one and awkwardly laughs "Just watch and you will understand"

As they watch they see 100 thugs with metal poles, bats with nails in them, chains and other blunt weapons.

Ryouta whistled "wow two of them are High-class disciples and one of them is close to an expert. Master what is this"

Sakaki hit his back and said "you haven't seen anything yet. "

Then a boy comes up around 13 years old. He had red hair and wearing a black school uniform. He came with his hands in his pocket.

The street thugs start laughing! preparing for the fight and said things like

"so he actually had the guts to show up."what he came along." "that punk must think he's something special"

Then one of the strongest ones removes his sword from the sheath and says "So Baki you afraid to come over the fence?"

The strongest looks at the boy named Baki and says "Look at him he's nothing but a runt."

Baki single leaps to the tall fence and runs and jumps into the air taking the strongest person and attacks him while on his shoulder then one with a sword says "do you think you can take me with my sword but Baki walks to the sword and had his neck on the sword. Scaring the guy because what kind of sane person walks to a sword. Baki then knocks him out.

Sakaki then explains "The first thing he did was take out the strongest by surprise. Baki looks weak so his opponents had their guards down which he used it for his advantage. I'm sure you notice the swordsman right? Well, his skills were close to an expert but Baki used fear and intimidation to make him drop his weapon and take advantage of them."

Ryouta just stared at this guy. 'This crazy guy. I think this guy strongest aspect is his mind. He is willing to go through hell to get stronger.'

Another guy tries to calm everyone down "guys calm down there is a hundred of us and only one of him"

Ryouta just laughs and says "your only worth 4 people"

Which he was confused

Ryouta looks at Sakaki and asks "what does he mean 4 people? he should be a middle-class warrior" Sakaki reaction this question was a laugh "No he means only 4 people can attack him at once. "

As for Baki, he was doing a decent job fighting them but one of them used their chains to trip him and start attacking him on the ground. Baki manages to get away and runs to the fence. They kept attacking him and he was losing strength then as he was about to faint a blond bombshell came shooting her gun "hey it's illegal to have gang fights. Stop or I will shoot you"

Then one of the gang members shouted "oh no that Maki Kawasaki"

Then another one went"what that crazy monster policewoman who shoots first then ask questions later"

Another one went "yeah oh you see those teenagers one is Yuri her sister the other one is Kei her apprentice. She's training the next generation of monsters run"

They all ran away leaving the ones fainted on the ground

Before Ryouta could ask questions Sakaki grabs him and drags him away saying "that is one girl you don't want to meet."

When they get back to the dojo Ryouta asks why Sakaki took him there and he said "I wanted to show you. The world is bigger than you think. I know you just recently became a shogi professional but there are many crouching tigers and hidden dragons in the world. Do you know who his father is"

Ryouta just shook his head

Sakaki just smiles and said "He is the worlds strongest man. The elder once said he wasn't sure if he could beat him...that Yujiro Hanma."

Ryouta had to know "how strong is he?"

Sakaki drinks some beer and says "Some of Yujiro's greatest feats of strength include, pushing back 100 riot police, completely stopping the tectonic activity of an earthquake by punching the ground, tapping craters in concrete walls, easily knocking out a giant elephant that not even tanks could damage, and cutting glass apart with his fingers, and crushing coal into dust. It is said that Yujiro's hits are equivalent to that of a nuclear impact, with even entire armies trying their best weapons to stop him, but to no effect."

As Ryouta begin to get deep in thought Akisame returns " Ryouta your back" he then tosses him over his back and takes somewhere. The only thing Ryouta was thinking is every one of my master going to show me how weak I am...as he was dragged to a sumo match, He saw a strong person then Appa took him to see boxing and he saw this up and coming boxer named Takamura Mamoru who looks like in a couple of years he'd be world champ. Shiguri saw him and took him to an archery match...they then went on a dinner date...finally, after 4 days, Kensei Ma came back after going out every day with everyone.

Kensei looks at Ryouta and says "Ryouta I have somewhere to take"Before he could finish Ryouta went up to him and said "Shifu I was injured and I need you to fix my damage chi. It's important and I am in real pain. "

He looks at him and nodded but thought 'I wanted to take you to see Jae-Kyu Kwon fight.."

Then he looked at Ryouta and noticed how bad his chi was damage. He begins to treat him.

Akisame asks "how bad is it... He sees dark ooze coming out of Ryouta.

Kensei Ma just shakes his head" It's bad really bad...I don't know what he did but he is lucky were his masters otherwise..."


While Ryouta going to see his masters at his home Chinatsu sees her mother washing Ryouta bed sheets and pillow

"Mom whatcha doing with Big Bro blankie?"

Kinue just sighed with a happy expression "Ryouta is just at that age"

Ako, Riko, and Shizuka all went up to Kinue and said " Wait you washed his sheets but his scent was on there " They were crying

Kinue didn't know what to say to these girls "sorry Ryouta seemed to have" she sees her young daughter and said "Ryouta seemed to have wet his bed before he left and I had to wash them because they have a funny smell" She couldn't say what really happened in front of a 9-year-old

The girls look at her confused and talk to themselves "the sheets weren't wet last night? right "

Tomoko then comes seeing a bunch of people gathered around the bathroom "Oh what's going on?"

Kinue looks at Tomoko and says "Oh just doing some laundry...but aren't you glowing today"

Tomoko smiles and said "I had a good afternoon nap" She had to much fun in Ryouta room...She accidentally stretched out his shirt too.

Ako goes up to Tomoko and complains "mom guess what Kinue-oka-san washed Ryouta-Kun's sheets saying they were wet and we slept in the bed last night"

Tomoko just blushes and says "I see well cant be help " And walks away


At school, Mari is seen wearing bigger school indoor shoes than normal. Ai asked her about it and she just said hers were missing.

Another thing in school was a big award ceremony celebrating Ryouta the youngest Shogi player to ever become shogi professional. However, the guest of honor wasn't there.

They had another new student transfer into the school too.

Finally in the shogi seen Ryouta had missed many interviews. Many tried to call him however no one was able to reach him. It didn't help that Ryouta lost his cell.