What I'm on second string!

Ryouta runs up to the school and looks around. "so this is the best middle school for Sports"

Botan laughs "Well its good but the question you should be asking...what if you don't make the team"

With his mouth open Ryouta was shocked "What, What do you mean"

She mocked "I just wanted to see that expression."

Ryouta just twitched and stamped his feet and went to class. during class

"Kazuma do you sense that?" Botan asked him

Ryouta was confused "Sense what?"

Botan complained that he lacks awareness "I told you to get use the Yokai detector." Botan sighs "You see those two girls in the back they're Yokai"

Ryouta turned around and saw two hot girls "I see! I was wondering why they were staring at me...So let's ignore them"

"ok lets after school...ignore them!" Botan wondered what goes through his head.

There was not much to the day...well that's a lie but Ryouta just ignored most of the strangeness. Ryouta found that this was an Exorcist/ sports school. Most were either athlete or had strong spiritual powers.

Ryouta knows people with strong Spiritual powers but has no spiritual awareness. So they have no effect on the spiritual world. Also noticing Yokai and spirits is more negative than positive. Very few people want to be an exorcist. Even if they are from clans.

That is where I formed the Devil May Cry. A group that does missions dealing with the supernatural. Doesn't matter if it man, yokai, devil, gods or aliens...well if we feel like it.

Our members are me the leader. Botan...well that's all on my team...Shiki is more of tech support.

"Kazuma stop" Botan complained"Stop monologing it's not necessary"

"....." ''can she read minds?'

Ryouta then went to the basketball team and the results were...he made second string...The reason is he started the second year not first. After practice, Ryouta was about to leave when he saw the two girls again.

Ryouta just smiled and walked past the two...as they were trying to find the words to say to him.

On the way back Ryouta received a phone call from Ako "Ryo-Kun there are three girls tied up in the house" she said scared and shocked

Ryouta ran but then he remembered who was there and stopped and said: "Leave her there..." Ryouta said coldly

"Huh why but...did you put them there" she started breathing heavily

Ryouta responded before she could get into her fantasy "the girl with the light purple hair but huge chest even through looks young she is Mitsukai Dokuro. She was tricked by the organization saying I'm an evil being that wants to kill all adults just keep little girls around. So she tried to kill me. "

Ako said "well you do love our little sisters too much but... you love older girls more"

"..." Ryouta trying to maintain his composer said " the blond haired girl is an exorcist that was sent to kill me named Rosette Christopher the final girl is Shiki Maboro...She didn't tell me there was a ghost living here...she also didn't tell me that in my contract She would live here along with her sister...

Ako took a second to respond and then said "I removed the rope..."

Ryouta just sighed and went home. He told the girls about the day...the three stayed in the house too and had rooms...Ryouta ordered no one is allowed in his room. After which Ryouta and Botan went to Mononokean.

The Mononokean is a classic square tea room, it has four long tatami mats aligned so that they surround the room. It is a yōkai and it expresses itself through a scroll. The Mononokean can travel to any place, enabling the guests to travel around the mundane world or most parts of the underworld. It takes a ton of spiritual energy to use.

They teleported to investigate look at a new lead to find Ryouta Grandmaster daughter but no leads.

like that a week has past and Ryouta made it to the first string...(the girls were still around) Ryouta was approced by a pretty girl named Satsuki Momoi a slender teeange girl with lower-back length bright pink hair and large, darkish-pink eyes and large breasts (F-cup). She was the one who informed Ryouta he was going to First string.

The only thing is the couch assisgned a person with very little presence as Ryouta mentor who name was Tetsuya Kuroko. This was due to him being his senior on the basketball team(even through their the same age.)

Kuroko's lack of presence makes Ryouta annoyed. Reminding him of his past. However he was impressed by the first string in a practice game. Ryouta then plays a game and makes a shot with ease. He sees Kuroko making a layup but misses. He starts to doubt Kuroko's ability. At the end of practice, Kuroko appears beside Ryotua, Shockingly to kuroko Ryouta notices him. Kuroko suggests they clean up with the first years and Ryouta concluded that Kuroko is just a mentor in miscellaneous club activities (not basketball). Ryouta notices he didn't even have an athletes body

Once practice was over Ryouta leaves the school and sees Daiki Aomine, Kuroko and Atsushi Murasakibara waiting for Ryouta at the school's entrance to celebrate Ryouta's getting to first string. It turns out their idea of celebration was to have ice pops(bought by Ryouta) at a convenience store.

This was said because Ryouta was a model and had tons of money.

Shintarō Midorima joined the celebration as invited by Kuroko but Ryoua thought he was a stranger. After introducing himself, he says that Ryouta should at least remember the names of the regulars. Murasakibara enters the convenience store. Ryouta randomly says: "I won", revealing the winning ice cream stick and the members got excited. Murasakibara comes out and asks what happened with Ryouta , while holding a box of maiu-bos, shocking Ryouta. Just then, Momoi appeared but she had no money so Ryouta gave her the winner popscle and she made a big deal about treasuring it forever. She then started calling him Ryu-kun (ryouta nickname is Ryu for some reason)

All of a sudden, a bike came towards them and ran off. Ryouta moves Momoi before she got hit. A woman shouts from behind to chase him. Aomine runs off after him on but as he running Ryouta runs past him and grabs the robber shocking the others. Ryouta response was he was a grandmaster. They had no clue what a grandmaster was.

The next day at Teiko, a hoard of fangirls were watching Ryouta play soccer with Murasakibara as the goalkeeper, who does a really bad job. Ryouta asks Murasakibara about Kuroko and he says Kuroko is a good person and becoming a starter was Akashi's decision. At this point, Ryouta does not know who Akashi is and Murasakibara then asks Ryouta who he is.

Ryouta went on and asks Midorima. Midorima brings up the name Akashi and Ryouta is still curious about his identity. Midorima states that Kuroko is an aquarius(and a bunch of horoscope related info), blood type A, who is incompatible with him, a blood type B and proceeds to walk away.

Ryouta notices that a guy is watching him from behind.'is that Akashi?'

At a practice game, Ryouta steals the ball from Kuroko and shoots. Still unconvinced, Ryouta asks Aomine the reason Kuroko is a starter. Aomine replied that Kuroko is different and he is reliable during a game. Midorima informs Ryouta and Kuroko that they will participate in a second string game as a backup. Teiko's basketball club tradition is to place first string members in second and third string games so as to uphold their motto: victory in every battle. If they lose this game, they will be demoted to the second string.

They both set out with the second string to the game and Ryouta still has doubts about Kuroko so he proposes a bet: the one with most points wins, if Ryouta wins, he replaces Kuroko as a starter. Kuroko refused, concerned about the effect on the game. Kuroko casually says he likes Ryouta's competitiveness.

****Teikō Junior High vs Komagi Junior High***

The crowd is rowdy, jeering Teiko. Ryouta realizes that the game is not quite fair with biased referees. The coach brought Ryouta into the game when there was a 20 point gap. He was double teamed but he broke free. However, he was called for a charging foul. The point gap is still large and Kuroko was brought in and mocked by the Komagi players and supporters. Kuroko asked for Ryouta's support in the game and mentions he is a shadow while Ryouta is the light. Ryouta had a flashback of him and Ikki and smiled wondering what is Kuroko's ability. Ryouta continues to be double teamed and Kuroko was left undefended. In a blink of an eye, a ball flies towards Ryouta from Kuroko's direction, leaving everyone in shock staring at Kuroko. Ryouta took this chance and made a shot. As this repeats, Ryouta realizes Kuroko's ability.

Back at Teiko, Midorima questions Akashi about Ryouta and Kuroko being in game together. Akashi said that Ryouta would be a starter soon and this was to introduce him to Kuroko's ability. He added that he was the one to discover Kuroko's talent.

A day later Ryouta receives a letter to come to meet her on top of the roof...the girl who appeared was Setsuna