
Okay I know I went off on a little rant there, but you have to understand that if I'm going to be born into this world then I'm sure as hell not gonna allow the sequence of volume 4-6 happen! FUCK SLEEP! I'LL BRING THIS WORLD BACK TO THE CORRECT PATH!!

Just you wait Monty I'll fulfil your vision.

Thinking about it now… Did Monty reincarnate?

Before that train of thought could continue, a robotic voice pulled me out of my theory.

{Host will be born in 5 minutes}

Oh right. I forgot to mention. That piece of shit God gave me a system.


[Name: Chose*]

Level: 0

Race: Human

Bloodline: None

Aura: 30

STR: 0

DEF: 0

END: 0

AGI: 0

STM: 2


System Points: 0

Abilities: 0

As you can see, I luckily became a human. Although being a Fanus would probably get me better physical stats, I don't really want to be discriminated against constantly. I also discovered that the system can temporarily take over my body when I want to rest my mind. This saved me from months of boredom in this prison. So I decided to go into sleep mode until I'm old enough to actually move about without struggling.

[initiate hibernation. Time Set: 5 years]

{Acknowledged. Commencing takeover in: 5..4..3..2..1..}

Feeling a sense of weariness wash over me, the last thing I remember is the sound of the system's robotic voice…


(5 Years Later)


[Huh? Who?]

The sound of a lady's voice woke me from my hibernation.

[Did my hibernation end early?]

Opening my eyes, I'm greeted to the sight of a burning village. Looking around, I see various types of Grimm roaming around devouring the residents. Everything was destroyed , houses were in rubble, crop fields were burnt, screams of children echoed out and blood was splashed everywhere.

"Gurghhh" Unable to myself back I puked out whatever contents filled my stomach. The sight of all this carnage was too much for my mind to cope with. I didn't even realise I was attracting the Grimm with the sound of me throwing up.

{Anomaly detected in host's mental state. Activating innate ability Gamers Mind}

Suddenly the world around me turned grey as time seemed to halt. Realising that something was wrong, I looked towards the fearsome Grimm now frozen in time.

[What happened?] For some reason the pain in my chest stopped as my mind suddenly became clear. Looking around in confusion, my mind raced as I slowly put together what was happening.

[System explain]

{Due to the host's age, the host was unable to ignore the body's emotional state leaving the host susceptible to a mentally breakdown.}

[Then why am I okay now?]

{Due to the unforeseen circumstance the host was in, the system was authorised to give the host early access to one of his skills.}

[Skills? Which skill?]

{Host was given the Gamers Mind skill.}

[Gamers Mind?]

{Gamers Mind: Forces the user into a peaceful state of mind allowing them to calmly and logically think things through. Grants immunity to psychological interferences.}

[Does that mean I won't be able to feel emotional again?]

{Incorrect. Gamers Mind will only take effect during extreme moments of psychological chaos.}

[I see.]

Looking at the woman who'd previously reached out to him, a tinge of pain flashed across his eyes. An outburst of tears ran down his face as the woman looked in his direction with worry on her face.

Her body was covered in blood and dirt. She was missing a leg and had nasty wounds on her face. If it wasn't for all blood, dirt and wounds, the woman would actually look very pretty. She seemed to be of Japanese descent, but in the world of remnant I'm pretty sure Japan doesn't exist.

[System. Tell me why my chest hurts when I looked at that woman.]

{Due to the exposure of the host's body staying in close contact with the mother, the body has developed a reliance and with that reliance gone the body is in a state of chaos.}

[Chaos! I thought you said Gamers Mind would resolve any psychological chaos!]

{The host's body is reacting on instinct not on logic. The effects are temporary and will not harm the host while active.}

[I...see. So that was my mother.] The longer he looked at her, the more his heart felt pained. [What happened during these last five years?]

{Does host wish to view the last 5 years of the log.}

[…..No….] It would be better not to view all the happy memories he spent with this woman. It would only result in the pain in his chest hurting even more than it does now. It would be best to just let the body be released of its reliance.

[Show Status]

[Name: Emiya Kitohira

Level: 3

Race: Human

Bloodline: None

Aura: 30

STR: 5

DEF: 3

END: 8

AGI: 4

STM: 7


System Points: 0


[Gamers Mind] (Passive)

Packages: 3

[My levels gone up?]

{Due to human growth, the level will naturally progress as the host becomes older.}

[I guess that makes sense. What are these packages?]

{Due to insufficient time in the RWBY WORLD and the host's current predicament, 3 packages were awarded to the host in order to get out of this situation.}

[Oh. Open all packages]

[Sharingan: User is able to copy and memorise any physical technique or movement with near-perfect accuracy. Due to world constraints user is unable to mimic semblance, jutsu's or magic related abilities]

[Hollow mask: Causes user's aura to resemble that of a Grimm and grants user x3 increases in speed, stamina, and strength. Time limit: 3 minutes.]

[UBW/Reinforcement: Allows user to analyse and replicate any bladed weapon seen by the user. Reinforces objects of user's choice. By chanting the incantation, user and targets are brought into host's reality marble.]

[Holy shit!! Holy Shit!! HOLY SHIT!!!!]

Having a fan-gasm, Emiya couldn't believe his eyes.

[System how do I use them!!]

{Calculating….Downloading usage into host's mind. Prepare for integration.}

"Huh? ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!"

A large amount of information spread through his brain at an astonishing rate. All of the vizards experiences of using hollow masks, the Uchiha clan's experience with the 3 tomoe sharingan and Counter guardian Emiya's experience of Unlimited Blade Works poured directly into his mind, threatening to overload it.