Velveteen Rabbit

I'm in the elevator, going up to Ozpin's office.

[This is not how I wanted to start my day.]

After days of avoiding Ozpin, Glynda finally managed to keep me around long enough to convince me to see him.

Hopefully what he says won't ruin my date with Velvet later.

Watching the doors slide open, I was greeted with the sight of Ozpin sitting behind his desk while Glynda stood by his side.

"What's up Ozzy? If its not important then hurry it up." Emiya said slightly annoyed by the smug look on his face.

"Oh? Got plans Mr Uchiha?" Ozpin asked ignoring Emiya's tone.

"A date actually." Emiya replied nonchalantly.

Hearing him say he was planning on going on a date caused Glynda's left eye to twitch.

"Who's the lucky lady?"

"I'm sure you didn't call me to talk about my love life." Emiya scoffed.

Ozpin chuckled at his comment.

"Right you are Mr Uchiha, but I believe it is good for a headmaster to be on good terms with his students."

"You're getting off topic again Ozpin." Emiya says annoyed.

Cutting into the conversation, Glynda brought up a screen of Emiya removing his death gun cloak and hollow mask.

'So they did see me.'

"Your point?" Emiya asked unconcerned.

"You seem awfully calm for someone who just got outed for murder." Ozpin said.

Emiya shrugged. "What can I say? I'm sorry for killing a bunch of scumbags that were about to beat and rape a young girl just because she was Faunus? I think you both know I'm not the type of person who would say such a thing."

"Indeed, that's why we're here to make a proposition."

"Again Ozpin, I've got a date so I'd appreciate it if you could speed this up."

As he said this, he kept a close eye on Glynda's reaction and was pleased to see her eye twitch whenever he mentioned he would be going on a date.


"As Beacon's first junior huntsman you are required to go on some huntsman missions. Originally you would have started in a couple of months but due to your recent actions, I believe that this should serve as a punishment." Ozpin explained.

"And what do I get out of this?"

"You don't get locked up for murder."

"You drive a hard bargain mister." Emiya joked. "So what's the mission about?"

"Have you heard of the white fang?"

"Fanatic Faunus that want to wipe out humanity. Yeah I've heard of them." Emiya answered.

Nodding at his explanation. Ozpin continued. "We've recently had word that they're planning on moving a large supply of dust that they've stolen from an Atlas shipment here to Vale. Your job is to intercept them and retrieve the missing dust."

"What about casualties?" Emiya mused.

"I'd prefer if you could just capture them, but if needs be, do not hesitate to take their lives."

"Very well, when do I leave?" Emiya questioned.

"Tomorrow morning at 6:00."

"Okay, now if you'll excuse me, I've got a date with a lovely lady." Emiya smirked as he saw Glynda's eye twitch with annoyance.

Walking to the elevator door, Emiya left with a smile.

(Glynda POV)

"Don't you think it's a bit to early for him to be going on missions by himself?" Glynda asked looking at the elevator door with worry.

Shaking his head Ozpin looked at his trusted assistant.

"You saw his abilities in the emerald forest, not to mention how he managed to leave after killing the thugs in that alley way."

"Plus he won't be going alone." Ozpin added.

Although Ozpin reassured her that he'd be fine, she still felt a tinge of worry in her heart.

Arriving at Team CFVY's door, I was greeted by the legendary fashion mogul Coco Adel.

"Yo." Emiya waved.

"Hmm.." Looking up from her scroll, Coco quickly circled Emiya while nodding her head.

"So you're the famous Emiya Uchiha? Nice body, good looks and apparently a good personality to boot. Looks like Velvet lucked out." She evaluated.

"You know its not nice to evaluate someone without first giving your name." Emiya teased.

"Coco Adel, leader of Team CFVY."

Emiya nodded pretending that he didn't know this beforehand.

"Hmm.. Looking at your outfit I'm guessing you have a great fashion sense, so I'll give you the nickname Fashionista."

"Oh? Aren't nicknames meant to be for people you're close to." Coco smiled.

"So your saying you don't want to get closer to me?" Emiya said lightly as he moved closer to her.

"Bold words for someone about to go on a date with my teammate." Coco said rather coldly.

'Oh shit! I forgot she's really protective of Velvet!'

"I've already got a nickname ready for Velvet if you're worried about it." Emiya laughed dryly trying to salvage the conversation.

"Where is she anyway?" He asked.

"She's still getting ready." She said pointing at the door.

"I see…"

The two stood in silence for a couple of minutes until the door swung open revealing a cute Velvet in casual clothes.

"Oh! Emiya I didn't make you wait long did I?" She asked worriedly.

"Nah, I was just getting to know you're roommate here." I said indicating to Coco.

"Oh? I hope you two got on."

"We'll have to see in the future, isn't that right fashionista?" Emiya smirked.

Coco gave him a weird look that seemed to be a glare and a curious glance. It was hard to tell underneath those shades.

"I guess." She shrugged before telling Velvet to enjoy herself and left.

"Ready to go Bun Bun?"

"Bun Bun?"

"It's my nickname for you. I thought it was cute."

"Bun Bun…I like it." She giggled.

We went to see a romantic tragedy in the cinema. Although I felt like blowing my brains out, I steeled my will and held Velvet's hand as tears flowed from her eyes when she saw the love interest confess his love to the heroine just before he sacrificed himself to stop a Grimm horde.

All I could think about was how it would be easy for me to take out the horde if I used UBW.

After the movie was finished, I saw a lot of girls cling onto their boyfriends with slightly red eyes due to crying too hard.

'Geez! It wasn't even that good of a movie.'

I turned to look at Velvet who was subconsciously clinging to my arm.

"Ready to go?" I asked as gently as I could.

She nodded in response, still a bit dazed from the movie.

After that I took her to a carnival to cheer her up.

"Wow! Its so crowded." She exclaimed.

'Well it is the first day of the carnival.'

"Lets get something to eat." I said.

She nodded and started following behind me as there were too many people for us to walk side by side.

Seeing the situation, a small smile crept onto my face.

"Hey Bun-Bun, its very crowded, lets hold hands so we don't get separated." I said.

Her face went red but she eventually nodded.

Chuckling at how cute she looked I took her hand into mine and went to find a place to eat.

(Velvet POV)

Walking through the carnival with my hands interlocked with Emiya's made my heart feel like it was about to jump right out of my chest!

I never imagined that my first date would be with a human, well not one as handsome as Emiya. Remembering the way he stood up for me in front of Cardin and the whole cafeteria caused my heart to accelerate. He got rid of my bully, called me cute and even asked me out on a date! Since that day I've found myself thinking about him more and more to the point that I'm worried I'll do something to him when my heat cycle starts.

But if its Emiya… maybe it won't be too bad.


After walking around for a bit, we decided to have a meal at a family diner that was close to the carnival. We sat opposite each other and waited for waitress to came over to take our order.

"So what would you and your boyfriend be having?" She asked which caused me to turn bright red.

'Boyfriend!! She said Boyfriend! Do we look like a couple!'

Unable to form any proper words, Emiya smiled at me and looked at the waitress.


(Emiya POV)

As the sun was beginning to set, I was about to take Velvet back to Beacon, but a certain shop caught my eye.

I went in and spent some of the lien I received from Ozpin when I first joined the academy. Paying for my item I quickly left the shop and returned back to Velvet.

"What'd you get?" She asked curiously.

"A gift." I smiled.

When we were just outside he dorm, I handed her the bag with the gift inside and kissed her on the forehead before leaving for my room.

Standing there frozen, Velvet was trying to comprehend what I just happened. It was only when Coco came out that she realized that she'd been standing there for the past 10 minutes.

"So how was it?" Coco asked.

"Good!! We saw a movie, then he took my to a carnival where we got something to eat and went on all the rides! Oh! We also walked around and held hands!!" Velvet spoke fast.

"Oh? Seems like you enjoyed yourself." Coco said with a smile.

"Yup." Velvet said proudly.

"So what's in the bag?" She inquired.

"Erm…He said it was a gift."

"Gift? Open it then."

Opening up the bag, Velvet and Coco saw two boxes. One box was red and inside was a beautiful looking red velvet cake. The other box was brown and inside was nice looking chocolate cake.

On top of both boxes were letters addressed to both girls. The letter on the red velvet cake had Velvet's name on it and read.

"To my beautiful bun-bun, I had a great time and hope that what the waitress said will become a possibility in the near future.

Signed- Your Future Boyfriend"

The letter addressed to Coco said.

"Yo fashionista, sorry about our first meeting, I know you've probably gotten the wrong idea about me, but I want you to know that I'd never do anything to hurt Velvet. And hopefully you'll allow me to show you my sincerity.

Signed- Your new fashion model"

Looking at the letter, Coco smiled at the last part.

'Fashion model huh. He's going to regret giving himself to me like that.'