First Mission

Arriving at the Bullhead dock, I was surprised to see someone standing there at this time in the morning. She was a tall white haired woman in a white and navy blue Atlesian military uniform. She had pale white skin and her icy blue eyes shone with cold light as she scanned my body up and down.

Feeling her eyes roam my body, I felt like I was being looking down on. "Um…"

"Emiya Uchiha, Beacon's first ever student to bare the title of junior huntsman, age 14, semblance: Projection, recorded footage shows that subject is also capable of enhancing physical abilities when green circuit like symbols cover the individual's body." She rambled.

'Stalkerish much.'

"You've really done your research on me miss…?"

"Schnee, Winter Schnee. I'm your partner for the duration of this mission." She stated.

'Ozpin didn't tell me about any partner.'

'Well it's not like I wasn't planning on meeting her anyway.'

"Should we getting going?" I asked.

Nodding her head, she turned away from me and headed towards her own personal aircraft.

'I guess we're not taking a Bullhead.'


The ride was quite long, and the quiet atmosphere made it seem even longer. And since I was unable to use the WiFi here I decided to strike up a conversation with Winter.

"So Ms Schnee, your Weiss's sister?" I asked politely.

Hearing me mention her sister, her expression softened.

"You're a friend of Weiss?" She asked skeptically.

"I'd like to think so." I smiled.

"I see…How is she doing?" She smiled gently.

Despite her cold countenance, she really cares about her little sister.

"She's happy, at first there was some friction between her and her team leader, but they quickly sorted that out." I explained.

"Ruby Rose right?" She questioned.

Smiling, I spent the next 10 minutes telling her about our classes, team RWBY and JNPR and how Weiss was doing in general.

She slowly opened up the longer we talked, she even started asking questions about Weiss's friends and diet consumption.

After a while we stopped talking about Weiss and the conversation moved onto me.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did your hair acquire that colour? Is it bleached?" She inquired.

Giggling to myself, I wondered how long it would take for someone in this world to ask me that question. After-all it was only the Schnee family who had naturally white hair.

"Nope, my hair colour is as natural as your beauty." I teased which earned me a small smile from Winter.

"So Mr Uchiha-

"Please call me Emiya." I interrupted.

"Very well, then please refer to me as Winter." She said.

I nodded.

"So Emiya, where did you grow up?" She asked curious of where humanity's first junior huntsman was born and raised.

"Didn't it say in the profile you had on me?" I asked.

"No." She shook her head. "There's various aspects of your life missing in the report."

"And I'm guessing that as an Atlas specialist its your job to get these secrets out of me in the gentlest way possible." I chuckled.

"Incorrect, although it would be valuable information for Atlas, I merely asked due to personal curiosity." She answered seriously.

They sat there in silence for a minute.

"Before I tell you about my origins, I want you to know that besides Ms Goodwitch and Professor Ozpin, no one, not even my friends at Beacon know about my past, so I want you to promise me that what is said right now remains between us as friends." I say with a serious tone.

Staring into her icy blue eyes, she stared back at me without blinking.

After 2 minutes of our intense staring contest, Winter finally broke eye contact and sighed. Looking back at me she finally spoke.

"I promise that I'll keep what your about to say between us." She said as if she'd finally steeled her resolve.

Smiling at her serious expression, I told her the same sob story I told Ozpin and Glynda. I especially exaggerated the death of my mother and the awakening of my semblance. When she heard that I'd spent the last 9 years alone in a Grimm infested forest training, her expression changed from shock to pity and back to shock.

"How did you survive!" She exclaimed with one hand covering her mouth.

Seeing her expression, I smiled to myself. "I didn't always stay in the forest." Explaining how I had to steal to survive, I half expected her to berate me saying something noble-like. But instead I was surprised when she pulled me in for a hug and started stroking the back of my head.

"I'm sorry you had to struggle so much. You can always lean on me if you feel troubled." She said while stroking my head.

'What an unfortunate child.'

"C-can we stay like this for a bit?" I asked with a shaky voice.

Hearing my weak sounding voice, her maternal instincts kicked in and she kept me in her embrace for the rest of the journey.


Location: Vale Outskirts (Forest)

"So what we gonna do with all this dust?" A White Fang soldier asked while opening a crate of dust.

"Fuck if I know? They order us to steal so we steal. No questions asked." Said another White Fang member who was drinking a popular fizzy drink.

"What about those three." Asked another White Fang soldier.

"Those three? Now that you mention it, where did they go?" Said the one opening the crate.

"Huh!?" Looking around they noticed that their three companions were missing.

"Where did they go?" One said looking around.

"Who cares, they're just some filthy humans who think they're better than us." Another member huffed.


"How much do you see?" I asked Winter.

"At least fifty." She replied.

Hiding in the trees, we took out the patrolling guards and were currently analyzing they're numbers.

"So how do you want to play it?" I asked looking at Winter.

"Hmm… From the reports I read, you should have a bow and arrow capable of blowing them all away."

I nod. "I do, but considering how volatile those dust crystals are, I think it would be better not to use my bow unless you want to be blown away with the White Fang members." I explained.

Understanding what I meant she nodded her head.

"Do you have any ideas?" She asked.

"Charge in, beat the bad guys, retrieve the dust, then go on a date." I said.

"Not a very elegant approach." She looked at me.

"To asking you out or retrieving the dust?" I asked confused.

"Both." She said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Considering our circumstance at the moment, how else am I meant to ask you out?" I questioned.

"...….Good point."

"So will you?" I asked expectedly.

"Will I what?" She said with a smug smile which annoyed me.

"Winter Schnee, will you go out on a date with me after we've retrieved the stolen dust?" I asked patiently.

She started to hum to herself thinking about my proposal.

"If we can finish this quickly, then I wouldn't mind you taking me out on a date." She smiled.


"Then lets get this done quickly!" I said excitedly.

"Very well, let's go with your charge in approach." She said which caused me to crack a smile.

"I thought you said it wasn't very elegant." I said smugly pulling my hood up.

"Elegance isn't everything Emiya." She smirked before charging in.


Summoning Kanshou and Bakuya, Emiya dived into the unaware White Fang members and started knocking out as much as he could without getting any blood on my clothes.

"You know, if you're gonna steal such a huge amount of dust, you should have gotten a truck or airship. I mean what kind of dumb fucks try to move these heavy ass crates through a dense forest by hand while knowing that the government is after them? And what makes it worse is that none of you guys had an escape plan! It's like you were begging to be caught." Emiya mocked his downed enemies.

The White Fang member who had previously opened a crate sprinted towards Emiya, "You bastard!!!" He roared as he raised his mechanical long sword high in the air. Emiya smiled and easily deflected the sword with Kanshou. Disarming the assailant, Emiya reinforced his fist and struck it into the chest of the White Fang member, breaking his chest bones and causing some of them to impale his lungs.

"Well that's unfortunate." Emiya shrugged and looked towards Winter who was easily handling her enemies.

{DING!, You received 1000 sp}

'Oh? I guess killing humans and Faunus gives me sp and exp as well.'

"Yo Winter I'm gonna go see if I can find anymore members of the White Fang in hiding." I yelled.

Nodding her head she focused on her opponents while I went looking for White Fang escapees.


'Okay, its been five minutes since I left Winter and still no sight of any White Fang members!'

Did they really not have any patrols or escape plans?

Just as I was about to head back, my instincts suddenly flared up.

I instinctively ducked down, and evaded a flame that was about to hit me.

'What The Fuck!'

I turned to see a woman dressed in a red dress. She had flowing black hair and amber eyes. Behind her were two other people following her lead. One was a male with grey hair and grey eyes wearing a grey jacket.

'Too much grey dude!'

The other was a female with mint green hair and bright red eyes.

"To think I'd meet them this early." I mumbled quietly.

Summoning out a couple of swords behind me, I hurled them at the trio but they all managed to dodge.

"*Whistle* First time I've been greeted like that." I chuckled.

"Well you definitely returned the greeting in full." The girl in the red dress said looking at the swords that impaled the place they were previously standing.

I shrugged. "What can I say, when I meet a beautiful lady I try my best to impress."

The grey haired male burst in the laughter as he looked between me and the girl in red.

"Oh god, I think he's trying to flirt with you." He laughed while wiping away a tear.

The green haired girl just looked at me with hate and was preparing to reach for her weapons.

Ignoring the deranged boy and the girl planning to murder me. I turned my sights on the beauty in the red dress.

"So, may I know the name of the fiery mistress who just tried to turn me into ashes?" I asked.

She looked at me amused.

"That depends on who's asking?" She said flirtatiously.

Pulling my hood down I revealed my face, much to the shock of the trio.

'Quite handsome.'

'I won't allow him to get close to my Cinder!'

'I wonder what his shoe size is?'

Seeing my face, the girl in red smiled seductively. "The name's Cinder, that's Emerald, and this is Mercury."

"Sup." Mercury said while Emerald just growled.

"Nice to meet you, the name's Emiya." I smiled.

Activating my reinforcements I appeared behind Cinder and threw a punch at the back of her head. Weirdly enough it didn't connect as I noticed that there were now five different Cinder's standing around me.

"Illusions huh."

Activating my Sharingan I instantly saw through the illusion and hurled a sword at the real Cinder breaking the illusion. Dodging the sword, a fake Mercury came charging at me while the real one try to sneak up on me from behind.

Allowing the illusion to hit me, I stood there and waited for the real one to strike. Grabbing him by the leg I swung him around and sent him flying into a couple of trees breaking his aura.

"H-How!!" Emerald asked looking shocked.

In response I pointed to my now red eyes.

"These eyes see a lot." I said which caused Emerald's eyes to widen.

"You'd have a better chance facing me head on instead of relying on these pitiful tricks." I said putting my hands in my pockets.

Infuriated by my actions, Emerald charged at me in fit of rage and tried slashing at my face with her Gun-sickles. Unfortunately for her, my Sharingan were still activated and made her actions look slow allowing me to dodge with ease.

Seeing that her attempts were useless, she glared at me.

"Done already? Next time at least try to make me sweat." I mocked.

Dodging her next slash, I jumped backwards and summoned a random sword and hurled it at her.

Barely avoiding the sword, she aimed her guns at me and started to fire aggressively.

"Stay still!" She bellowed trying to shoot me. "Di-Argh!!

Closing the distance between us, I threw a barrage of punches and kicks at her. I punched her in the face, kneed her in the puss, elbowed her jaw, punched her in the gut, and then stabbed her in the ass for good measure.

All in all, it was a good fight for me.

Her aura broke and she ended up throwing up some blood before landing face first on the floor.

'Great, now I have blood on my shoes.'

Turning towards last member of the trio, I see Cinder leaning against a tree watching me with fiery eyes.

"Before you even think about fighting me, I suggest you come back after acquiring the other half of the fall maiden's power." I said.

Watching her eyes widen in surprise caused me to chuckle.

"How do you know about that!" She said putting up her guard.

"Like I said" *Pointing at my eyes* "These eyes see a lot." I smiled.

"I see…" She mumbled.

Walking over to her I gave her a small piece of paper.

"What's this?" She asked.

"My number." I casually said.

Pulling her into my embrace, my lips locked with hers as I gave her a deep kiss. She seemed to indulge in it as she started playing with my tongue. After what felt like an hour, we finally broke apart and smiled at each other.

"Catch you later sexy." Activating my reinforcements, I disappeared into the forest, leaving behind an unconscious Emerald, a dazed Mercury and a breathless Cinder.