Emiya's Evolution

Still pissed at the fact that Blake wanted me to spare the person that almost raped her, I decided to walk around Vale until it got dark and then returned to Beacon.

'I know that she's not okay with the thought of humans dying due to her past as a member of the white fang, but she should have at least been more willing to just look the other way. Its kind of funny that she would chastise me for murdering someone who was seconds away from raping her, whereas Vol 6 Blake didn't hesitate to stab Adam through the chest.'



'Who's texting me?'

Pulling out my scroll, I saw that it was xxx_SwagEmpire42_xxx inviting me to a private chat. And since I had nothing better to do, I might as well try talking to this asshole and pray that I get my shit back.


Emiya: "What do you want?"

SwagEmpire42: "Aww, can't I just talk to my favourite victim?"

Emiya: "No!"

SwagEmpire42: "That's too bad, I was just thinking about returning your village to you ❤"

Emiya: "Damn autocorrect! What I meant to say was I would love to have a pleasant conversation with you. lets start with how you're going to give me back my army and village 😊"

SwagEmpire42: Lol! How did you autocorrect an entire sentence into No?

Emiya: "My scroll is malfunctioning…"

SwagEmpire42: "Wow, that's some malfunction!"

Emiya: "Ikr! That's why having my army and village returned to me would help me get over the depressing fact that I'll have to get rid of the last present my mother gave to me before she died. ☹"

SwagEmpire42: "I'm sorry for your loss."

Emiya: "It's fine. But about my villag-

SwagEmpire42: How did she die?"


SwagEmpire42: "ಠ_ಠ Seriously?"

Emiya: "It's a very serious disease."

SwagEmpire42: "I see… So this scroll was the last thing she gave you?"

Emiya: "Yes. It was probably the saddest moment in my life. I remember she was laying weakly in bed, her face was pale, and her voice was hoarse. I remember the loving look she had in her eyes when she pulled out her scroll and handed it to me. She made me promise her that I would create the strongest kingdom and rule over all of remnant. Then she died. (T_T)"

SwagEmpire42: Wow, that is so sad… It's a shame you can't fulfil her dying wish…"

Emiya: "But I could if you gave me my village back…"

SwagEmpire42: "Yea… Its too bad that I sold it 😊"

Emiya: "WHAT!! WHY!!"

SwagEmpire42: 🤑 🤑 🤑 🤑 🤑 🤑 🤑 🤑

Emiya has left the chat.


The next morning...

I was asleep in my bed just laying peacefully dreaming about slowly torturing that prick xxx_SwagEmpire_xxx. Unfortunately I was interrupted by a certain pancake loving, hammer wielding, high on sugar Nora. Rubbing my eyes I looked at the energetic ginger.

'How do these girls keep getting into my room?'

"What do you want Nora?" I groaned still wanting to sleep.

"PANCAKES!!" She exclaimed.

"Besides pancakes?" I sighed.

"Hmm… I want to do couple stuff!!" She said with her hands on her hips.

"Like a date?"

"Yep!! Now get up lazy bones! We've got Grimm to kill!!" She grinned pulling on my arm.

'What does she think a date is?'

"EErrgghhhhhhhhh Fine! Just give me 5 minutes to get ready." I said kicking her out of the room.

'I hope Weiss doesn't find out.'


It turns out that those fourth year students I killed were actually worth a good amount of points. (Way more than the Grimm I kill on the daily). But I guess that's to be expected of students who managed to reach the fourth year.

With the SP I got from them I decided to buy a weapon. I wouldn't usually buy a weapon from the system because UBW could give me a near perfect copy of the original. The only benefit I get from buying the original is that I can use Structural Analysis on it and create something I called an evolved copy. Similar to a broken phantasm, an evolved copy is a copy of the original that has been tampered with to suit my needs. Its power and mobility also far outstrips the original as it has evolved past the limitations of the original weapon.


After showering and equipping my armour, I snuck out with Nora making sure that Weiss wouldn't be looking.

'I really need to take her on that date.'

Once we were a safe distance away, we rushed to the forest with our weapons drawn. Nora seemed to enjoy it as she kept singing something about being a queen, but I ignored her and felt excited to test out the evolved weapon I'd recently made.

Once we arrived, Nora went on a killing spree and kept bonking everything that moved. (Didn't even leave one for me.) At one point she started firing off dust infused grenades and almost burned down the forest while laughing like a lunatic.

Honestly, it scared the shit out of me.

When we got deeper into the forest we heard a couple of growls and I shit you not, Nora's eyes actually had stars in them!! Literal Stars!! I didn't even know that was actually possible in this world!

While I was distracted by her star filled eyes, countless Ursa's jumped out of nowhere and charged at us.

"This is going to be so much fun!!" Nora squealed holding her hammer.

Noticing that there were more Ursa's than Nora could handle, I was finally able to summon out my new sword.

"Trace on."

A burst of blue light shot out of my hands as the outline of a sword slowly formed. As if shedding its skin, the outline started to strip away as a pure black katana replaced it.

A magic sword created by an evil mage

Left in the dark to rot

Pulled out by a lone immortal

With only its weight as its redeeming quality

Sword of UQ Holder No.7 Touta Konoe

Jūryoku Ken

The Gravity Blade


Dashing into the group of incoming Ursa, Emiya started to weave in and out of the way of their attacks. Increasing the weight of the sword he reinforced his arm and started swinging the blade like it weighed nothing. Every Grimm that crossed his path quickly found their head removed from their bodies. Like a raging fire he swept across the battlefield leaving nothing in his wake.

If Pyrrha was here, she would realize that Emiya's current movements and blade technique was completely different from his usual style.

After buying the Gravity blade from the system, the first thing he did was use structural analysis on it and saw the blade's history and users. From that he analysed the fighting style of Touta Konoe and is currently practicing it on the Grimm.

While Emiya was testing out and perfecting his newly acquired technique, Nora was having the time of her life breaking the legs of various Grimm with a smile on her face.


As more time passed, more and more Ursai started appearing. Having successfully replicated Touta's style, Emiya decided to end his first date with Nora with a BANG!

"Yo Nora, how many grenades you got left?" I asked while stabbing an Ersa.

Pulling out six she smashed the head of another Grimm and yelled. "Enough to have more fun!!"

"Be ready to use them." I smirked.

Reinforcing my legs, I dashed around the battlefield attracting the attention of all the Grimm. Once I had rounded them all up I dashed towards my crazy girlfriend who had lined up all the grenades on the floor and was practicing her swing.

Seeing me approach with a horde of Ursai behind me I heard her shout "FORE!!" She swung her hammer in a golfing like motion and shot all the grenades towards me and the Grimm.

With my reinforced legs, I stomped on the ground and shot into the air. When I was high enough, I pulled out Jackal and started firing shots at the grenades and watched as they exploded into pink smoke taking the army of Grimm to hell.

Landing back on the ground with a superhero landing, I heard Nora clapping her hands while recording the scene on her scroll.

'Oh God! I hope she doesn't send that to our friends, I don't need Weiss knowing about our little outing!!'

She posted it


Looking at me, she grinned and gave me the peace sign. I just sighed and then returned the smile.

"So how was that for a date?" I asked.

"AWESOME!" She jumped into my arms.


On the way back, she ended up twisting her ankle due to all the hopping about. She then forced me to give her a piggyback ride.

"Hey Nora?" I asked.

"Hmm." She responded while laying her head on my shoulder.

"Why'd you want to be my girlfriend? I know for a fact that you liked Ren." I said.

Hearing my question, she seemed to hesitate before answering.

"I-I do like Ren, but it really is just as a brother!" She stammered. "For a very long time he was the only person in my life that I could depend on. He was everything I had, and I didn't want to lose him. Just the thought of him leaving me behind for someone else drove me crazy, so I did everything I could to make him notice me."

Walking towards Beacon. I kept quiet and listened to her explanation.

"And I think he did… But it seems like he didn't see me in the same way."

Laughing at herself she continued.

"After we arrived at Beacon, I realized that I was actually shackling him with my feelings and because of me he held back on doing what he wanted. That's why I decided that I would no longer burden him with my emotions!"

"So your solution to that was finding someone to replace him?" I asked.

Hearing me say it like that, Nora suddenly felt guilty.

"I-I never wanted someone to replace him. With the amount of history behind us, no one will ever be able to replace him."

After saying that she went quiet.

For a while neither of us spoke as I carried her towards the exit of the Emerald Forest.

"Nora." I said breaking the silence. "Do you like me?"

"I DO!!" She yelled into my ear.

Smiling slightly I kept walking.

"Then it doesn't matter what Ren is to you. As long as you like me, then you'll always be my girlfriend." I said without looking at her.


"Really." I smiled.

'But if you try to cuck me then…


When we arrived back on campus, we were met with various stares from both male and female students.

"Why are you carrying Nora?" Jaune asked when he saw us.

I was about to tell him, but Nora spoke first.

"Ah! A tale of a bravery, tragedy, and love! A heart warming cinematic climax that would leave you peeing your pants in fear and weeping tears of joy at the same time!" Nora hyped.

"What?" Jaune looked at me not understanding a word she just said.

I shrugged.

"She got hit by a Grimm."

Not wanting to carry Nora for much longer, (lay off the pancakes) I decided to just use the most generic lie in Remnant.

"Wow, I didn't think anything could hurt Nora!" Jaune exclaimed.

I looked at Jaune as if he was an idiot.

"Am I a joke to you?"

Remembering the fact that I one shot Nora during our training session, an embarrassed look surfaced on his face.

'Fucking dumbass.'

Rolling my eyes, I just carried Nora and left him to do whatever it is he does.