
The day had finally come. Today me and Vernal would be attacking that Atlas shipment and securing the dust cargo.


"Yeah, just give me a minute." Equipping the Death Gun cloak I headed outside to meet Vernal and Raven.


"So you know what to do?"

After Raven had explained the plan for the 5th time, I had finally gotten fed up and no longer took the mission seriously.

"Yes, yes mom can we go now." I said which caused her to glare at me.

"What? If you're old enough to be Yang's mom then you're sure as hell old enough to be mine."

Instead of arguing, she said a couple of things to Vernal before walking away.

"Geez, what crawled up her ass?" Emiya scoffed.

Vernal turned to me then began walking towards the exit.

'Are they on their period?'


"You know you should show her more respect." Vernal suddenly declared.

Walking through the forest, me and Vernal kept out of sight and moved quickly.

"Respect? No one in this world is worthy of my respect. The most they'll get is my admiration or displeasure." I retorted.

Looking at me she scowled a bit. "Which one is Raven?"

"That's none of your concern." I looked away from her.

Nearing the exit of the forest, the sound of armoured vehicles drawing close could be heard.

Vernal also seemed to hear it as she momentarily turned her attention towards the exit and got her weapons ready.

"Follow my lead."

Dashing out of the forest she jumped through the air and crashed right through the window of the vehicle. Sounds of gun fire rang out as she easily disposed of the guards inside the transport.

Atlas guards from the other transport vehicles got out and went to surround the vehicle Vernal had taken over.




Suddenly getting hit in the back, the Atlas guards were hit by multiple bullets originating from the forest. Diving for cover behind the cars, the survivors prepared to fire back but were caught off guard when Vernal came out of the truck and started raining down a storm of bullets in their direction.



"What is going on out here!"

Hearing the screams, a cold voice covered the area.

'Oh shit!'

Stepping out of one of the transport vehicles situated at the back, Winter saw her guards laying dead on the floor. And unlike before, Winter's expression was ice cold.

"Always wanted to kill a Schnee." Turning in her direction, a creepy smile appeared on Vernal's face.

Unsheathing her sword, Winter looked at Vernal with disdain.

"How unsightly."

Summoning 4 white Beowolves, Winter and the pact charged Vernal with the intent to capture her.

Smiling like a maniac, Vernal clicked her blades together and sped towards the wolves.

Seeing the situation, Emiya covered his face with the hollow mask to hide his identity. Pulling out a short knife he ran towards the remaining guards. Dodging the bullets he closed the distance and jumped over them, throwing his knife into the guard on his right, he rapidly struck the guard in front of him with the gentle fist technique until his body went limp in his arms. Lowering his body he used the limp guard as a shield against the incoming bullets. Grabbing the gun hanging on the guard's body, he start firing at the remaining guards until they were packed full of holes.

Looking in the direction of Vernal and Winter, the situation did not look favourably for Vernal. She was vastly outnumbered and every time she was about to kill a Beowolf Winter stepped in and forced to her go on the defensive. It was only a matter of time until she would be defeated.

'Great! Now I have to stop these two from killing each other.'

Since his business with the guards were finished, he dashed towards the pair. Since Winter knew his face and abilities, he decided to not use any of his recognizable weapons or techniques. Because of this he couldn't use his reinforcements or summon any swords.

Gripping his knife he dashed towards two Beowolves that were in the middle of attacking Vernal. Jumping between them he activated his Sharingan to hide the colour of his eyes and improve his dynamic vision. Dodging the claws of the first summoned Grimm he ducked down low and pushed off the ground driving the knife through the stomach of the beast. Swiping it horizontally the beast dispersed into white particles.

Seeing the mysterious man in black destroy one of her summons, Winter activated time dilation glyphs under herself and the rest of the Beowolves.

"Take care of the Beowolves, I'll take out the Schnee." Emiya said in his hollow voice.

Although she was irritated that she wouldn't be the one to finish Winter, Vernal nodded and focused her attention on the Beowolves.

Staring at the man in black, Winter saw a mask resembling that of what the White Fang wear.

"For attacking an Atlas transport, I hereby place you under arrest! If you resist, you will be taken by force."

Instead of answering, Emiya just took out his knife and prepare to end the fight as fast as he could.

Seeing that he wasn't going to answer, she separated her dagger from her cutlass and charged him. Slashing her sword vertically, she was surprised when the man side stepped her attack and countered with a kick to her ribs. Jumping back she summoned a hail of white birds and rained them down on him.

With the sharingan activated, Emiya easily weaved through the gaps of the birds and made his way towards Winter. With the knife in his hand, he started to slash at her while keeping an eye on Vernal.

Parrying his strikes, Winter felt that something was wrong. Activating another time dilation glyph she increased her speed and started slashing faster than before.

Unfortunately for her, the sharingan and Archer's natural instincts kept him from falling into a disadvantageous position. Deflecting her strikes he switched to a reverse grip and started taking the initiative to attack. Redirecting another sword strike, he formed his left hand into a fist and shot it straight into Winter's stomach. Without relaxing his guard, he roundhouse kicked her to the floor and kicked her weapons away. Pulling his leg back he sent various kicks to her stomach until her aura broke and she was writhing in pain. Although he wasn't a fan of what he was doing, he had to make himself look as ruthless as possible in front of Vernal and Winter. If there was a one percent chance that Winter figured out who he was, things would become complicated.

Picking her up by her neck, he slowly started to choke her.

Feeling the lack of air in her lungs, Winter stared in horror at those merciless red eyes peering through the mask. It had been years since she'd ever been so close to death. Feeling her vision turn dark, the last thing she remembered were those piercing eyes staring at her like she was nothing.

Seeing her eyes close, Emiya stopped squeezing and gently placed her down on the ground.

Once Winter was dealt with, the Beowolves attacking Vernal naturally disappeared.

"Is she dead?"

Glancing over at a tired Vernal Emiya shook his head.

"If we killed a Schnee, we'd have the entire Schnee dust company on our tails." Emiya said coldly.

"What's up with the voice and mask?" Vernal asked seeing the weird mask on his face.

"Cool voice changer right? Only cost 30 lien!" Obviously he had no other way to explain it so he came up with the first lie he could think of.

"I didn't ask how much it cost moron! I asked why do you have it?" Vernal responded.

'Fuck, this woman doesn't let up!'

Rolling his eyes, he came up with another excuse.

"Because its cool. Unlike you and everyone else at camp, I actually like to look intimidating when committing a crime."

Taking out his scroll, he dialed Raven's number before Vernal could get another word in.

"Jobs done boss, just waiting on you."

A red portal opened up and Raven walked out with a couple of bandits behind her. Looking at the scene of carnage, she nodded her head and turned towards Emiya who had already removed his mask.

"How was it?"

Hearing her question, he smiled. "Much more fun than school."