Avoiding Future Issues

"BITCH!!" Emiya screamed waking up.

Feeling dizzy he lay back down but was still able to take in his surroundings. He was in a small room with his torso wrapped in bandages. The room was fairly ordinary with nothing standing out about it.

Ripping the bandages off, a scar where the blade had entered and exited his body was visible on his stomach. Throwing off the blanket he requiped his armour and did a couple of light stretches.

"Fuck exercise! Next time I'll just use Yamato to get me to my destination." Emiya said to himself.

'How long have I been out?'

Time seemed to work differently inside his inner world and Emiya wondered how different the weeks he spent inside differed from the real world.

Walking out of the room, he noticed that the sound of laughed echoing across the house as the sound of footsteps hitting a wooden floor sounded out.

Hearing the noise, Emiya knew that there were children playing in the house.

Frowning slightly, he walked down the staircase and caught sight of a small ginger boy running away from a small brown haired girl in Amish looking clothes. Behind them was a girl in green trousers wearing a blue top. She had short black hair and well developed arms that anyone could tell were used to physical work. If he had to guess he'd say she looked to be at least 18 if not 19.

When the trio saw him watching them, they temporarily stopped before the small girl and boy smiled at him and continued running around.

The black haired girl on the other hand didn't follow and instead looked at Emiya with stars in her eyes.

Feeling somewhat embarrassed at her stare, Emiya coughed light to grab her attention.

"Um… Miss?"

"Huh?" Hearing him call her, she snapped out of daze and looked a bit flustered. "Haha, sorry bout that. We just don't get much city folk round ere." She laughed while rubbing the back of her neck.

'From her accent and the way she talks, it sounds like she's from country. Not to mention her clothes and shoe material.'

Giving her a quick assessment, Emiya showed off a smile to calm her down.

"No, I'm the one who she be sorry for inconveniencing you." Emiya said trying to sound as humble as possible. "Erm… Miss-

"Faith! Faith Brunswick."

"Oh… I'm Em-


Feeling shocked, Emiya looked her up and down again trying to get a read on her.

"Brunswick… As in Brunswick farm?" Emiya asked unsurely.

The girl's eyes widened in surprise before a huge smile crept onto her face.

"You've heard of us!!??" She said excitedly.

'So that's where I am.'

"Erm… Your farm is kinda famous." He squeezed out a smile.


'Yeah, famous for your deaths.'

"Yeah, you guys are really well known." Emiya smiled.

Before Faith could say anything, a man with ginger hair that looked similar to the ginger kid walked in with a piece of wheat hanging out of his mouth.

"Oi Faith, where are the ki-

Seeing me standing there in my armour, the man stopped himself and stared at me.

"Uncle Bartelby!! Emiya said he's heard of us!! Can you believe it!!"

Seeing Faith's attitude caused Bartelby to relax and hold his hand out to Emiya.

"Bartelby Brunswick."

Shaking his hand, Emiya smiled.

"Emiya Uchiha."

While this was going on, Emiya delved into his memories trying to remember anything he could about the farm and its residents besides the fact that they were all killed due to someone bringing in the Apathy Grimm.

Apathy Grimm… Will Gamer's mind protect him from their influence?'

While he was busy thinking about that, the two kids from earlier came running in and jumped into Faith's arms.

"Faith, Faith, Granny Opal needs your help tending the fields!!"

The kids grabbed onto Faith's arms and dragged her towards the door while she looked back at me.

"Talk to you later Emiya!" She shouted before disappearing into the distance.

Unfortunately Emiya wasn't listening as he was still trying to remember everything related to the farm in vol 6.

'That's it!'

Looking at Bartelby, he remembered the diary Maria was reading. In it, the farm wasn't doing well, and everyone was on edge. Then Bartelby got the bright idea of attracting the Apathy into the well in order to calm everyone down. But what he didn't know was that the Apathy travel in packs, and when one goes missing the others will follow its trail.

Remembering this, Emiya looked at Bartelby with pity. He didn't know exactly when in the timeline that Bartelby would bring the Apathy and indirectly cause the death of his family, but since they seemed to have taken care of him while he was still recovering, he thought he might as well help them out.

Realizing that only him and Bartelby were left, he tried to make a conversation with him about how he got here and the state that the farm was in.


Apparently he'd been found 2 weeks ago passed out on one of the roads near the farm. One of the residents named Christopher found him and brought him back to the farm in order to recuperate.

He also learnt that the farm was doing quite fine at the moment and they were even thriving.

But that only worried him as he found it hard to pinpoint a time period in which the farm would struggle.

Being brought out of the house by Bartelby, Emiya was shown around the farm and met the residents and thanked them for their hospitality.

When it was time for dinner, the family invited him to stay the night and dine with them. And since he was still trying to figure out when the farm would face its first trouble, he decided to stay and eat with them.

They asked a lot of question such as where he came from, what life was like in the city and how he got hurt. When they found out he was a huntsman they were all shocked considering his age. The kids and Faith were the most interested and kept asking him questions related to being a huntsman. When dinner ended, they lead him back to his room and told him that he could rest there for the rest of the night.


The next morning, Emiya came to the conclusion that it was pointless trying to figure out when the farm would face trouble and instead chose to help them avoid the situation all together.

After taking a bath and freshening up, he gathered everyone outside the house and unlocked their aura for them. He then explained the basics of it such as shielding and healing small injuries. When he was done talking he lead Bartelby away from the rest of them and hand him 2 pouches of money. Normally he would have just given the money and left, but since they saved his life he chose to give them a little extra as no amount of money is worth his life.

After giving Bartelby the money, he explicitly told him to only use it if the farm ever faced any difficulties.

Whether Bartelby would heed his words or not no longer mattered to Emiya as he had already given them the resources to survive. What they do now is no longer his problem.

Saying goodbye to the farm and its residents, he summoned Yamato and cut open a portal to Beacon.