
Walking into the headmistress's office, the first thing Emiya noticed was the large amount of books that were stacked up from the floor to the ceiling. In the corner of the room was a small futon with a painting of a scholar reading a book hanging above it.

Looking away from the books and futon, a small wooden desk with a woman sitting behind it reflected in his eyes. The desk was small and unassuming, it had pencils, loose papers and a small computer on it. What really caught his attention was the woman sitting behind the desk who was staring at him.

She was a woman in her thirties, wearing a white T shirt and blue jeans. She had light blue hair that was tied back into a ponytail. There was no doubt in Emiya's mind that she was a beauty that easily rivalled Glynda.

Looking up from her papers, she caught sight of a red faced Mr Berret squaring up against a man in a red hood and armour. Remembering the ruckus she heard from a few minutes ago, she quickly pieced together what had happened.

Standing up from her desk, she showed off a beautiful smile and gave the man in armour a small bow before pulling an angry Mr Berret back.

"To what do I owe the pleasure Mr…

Pulling down his hood and removing his mask, everyone caught a glimpse of his snow white hair, sun kissed brown skin and shinning silver eyes.

Standing behind him, Octavia only saw the back of his head and was only mildly surprised to see his white coloured hair and thought he might be a relative of the Schnees.

The headmistress and Mr Berret on the other hand were completely surprised by his appearance. Mr Berret couldn't believe someone so young looking easily sent him flying, whereas the headmistress was momentarily shocked by how handsome he looked.

"Uchiha, Emiya Uchiha."

Hearing the name, the headmistress froze.

"E-Emiya Uchiha from Beacon?" She asked cautiously.

Emiya looked at her with surprise. "You know me?"

Hearing him confirm his identity caused her to visibly relax.

"Ozpin's told us all about you." She explained.

"All who?" He asked.

"Us headmasters."

'So even Leo knows…'

Listening to the causal conversation between the two caused Mr Berret to almost explode.

"Who is he! Why is he here causing our students trouble!!" He said aggressively to the headmistress.

"Causing trouble to your students? If you disciplined them better then I wouldn't have to teach them a lesson in your place." Emiya said in a relaxed matter.


Just as he was about to charge Emiya, the headmistress quickly pulled him back. If the reports she read from Ozpin were true, then the young man in front of her was too valuable to their cause.

"ABRAHAM!" She shouted causing Mr Berret to freeze. "Mr Uchiha here is a huntsman from Beacon under the direct command of headmaster Ozpin."

Hearing her say he was under Ozpin's command caused Emiya to feel uncomfortable.

Mr Berret on the other hand was shocked to hear that this boy was considered a full-fledged huntsman.

"Him? He's not even 20!!" He said looking at the headmistress.

"A testament to his ability." She glanced at Emiya.

Standing at the back, Octavia found it hard to believe what she was hearing. The person she had been travelling with for days came all the way from Vale, and not to mention he was a huntsman who had yet to even reach 20! It was unbelievable! If she wasn't hearing it personally from the headmaster she definitely wouldn't believe it.

Smirking at Mr Berret, Emiya mouthed the words Bitch which caused him to ball his hands into fists.

Turning towards the headmistress, he raised an eyebrow.

"And you are?"

"Oh, where are my manners." Walking up to him she held her hand out. "Sistine Arbour."

Shaking her hand, Emiya gazed into her eyes as she did him.

'She seems more trustworthy than Ozpin.'

Breaking eye contact Emiya didn't know how to proceed from here.

Seeing his struggle, Sistine chuckled lightly.

"What do I owe the pleasure of your visit Mr Uchiha." She smiled.

"Calling me Emiya is fine." He said. "And I'm just visiting all the academies in Remnant. Shade academy just happened to be first on my list."

"Oh? How long will you be staying with us?"

"Hmm… hadn't thought of it. Probably a week, do you have a guest room?" He shamelessly asked.

"He can stay with us!" A voice from behind Emiya sounded out.

Everyone turned to look at the red head who had just offered the young huntsman a room.

Seeing everyone focus their attention on her, Octavia felt momentarily nervous. "If he doesn't have anywhere else to sleep then he can stay with us."

"Absolutley NOT! Why do we have to accommodate some wandering huntsman! If he's so great then he should be able to get his own living quarters." Mr Berret interrupted.

"Hmm… I'll fight you for your room old man, then you'll see how great I really am." Emiya said provokingly.

"You think just because you got a cheap shot on me that you're stronger than me!!" He clenched his fist.

"Cheap shot? Huntsman are meant to be able to react to any situation, you being unable to shows how far you still have to go."

Watching the two men face off against each other was starting to become a headache for Sistine.

"For the time being, Emiya will reside with team NDGO until a spare room can be found." She said before a fight could break out.


"Ms Ember, show Mr Uchiha around while I have a word with Mr Berret."

"Yes headmistress." Octavia said pulling Emiya out of the room.

Seeing the two disappear behind the door, Mr Berret turned his attention to the headmistress.

"What are you thinking! First you let a suspicious individual into our academy and now you're letting him sleep in an all-female room!"

"Would you have preferred to fight him over your room?" She said condescendingly.


"Would have lost." She interrupted. "Although you said that he got a cheap shot in on you, we both know that with your personality that you probably attacked first and ended up getting beaten. Now tell me Mr Berret, would you have preferred fighting over your room?"

"….No…." He finally said.

"*Sigh* Do you know why I agreed for him to room with team NDGO?" She asked rubbing her temples. "Its because if he fought you and won, then not only would you throw your own reputation in the trash, but you'd also be affecting the morale of the students and other teachers in the academy. It would not reflect well on Shade if our combat instructor got beaten by a 14 year old huntsman from Beacon, especially when the Vytal festival is only a couple of months away."

"I underst- 14!! He's 14!!"

'This is gonna take a while.'