Genesis 4: Satanic Planets

*Alkeyder teleports everybody to the 3rd floor*

At this point he already explained to them how he does it.

He has spirits working under his command!!

Unseen creatures when left being unseen!

They're of the same kind as demons are.

However, on the opposite they serve Good and right.

But a lot is left unknown about his powers still.

Alkeyder. "Welcome again, today...

We have a very interesting lesson to learn about.

I want you to stay focused even if it may be a very long one

We all know that we live in a solar system.

Planets of different shapes and size orbit arround the sun.

Eight major planets, with other dwarf planets like Ceres and Nepturne.

And Astronomy, was a subject of interest since forever...

Even much more better than now the planets were clear in the sky.

Shinning like diamonds in the heavens...

And so, Humans found great interest and liking in them.

Who would've thought that someone will use this interest for his malicious intents?!

Ofcourse him...

The Fallen Angel!

If you recall well, as you should!

We've studied in the Mythologies class about the Greco-Roman religion.

Many of you wanted to know the reason why their Gods were called by the names of Planets.

Well we'll find out today that, just as it was created by Satan, It was called by those names because of him.

Satan used the curiousity and interest of early humans who were already under his delusion to re assure his position and their delusion.

Times changed and he had to adjust to them and the new humans.

Since the Sumerians, The association of Gods through Planets started to take place.

But It reached its full and clear form in the Greco-Roman mythology.

You all have to fully grasp Satan's intentions when putting such masterplan into existence...

It wasn't just a random decision for him to have such change.

Satan was given power to be able to see into the future, he anticipated the growing interest in Astronomy and Astrology!

Let's take a close look.

*A 3D version of the planets appear out of nowhere in front of everybody*

Pick a planet, Ayla!"

Ayla. "Oh me?

Hmmmm...What about Venus?

I always liked it!"

Alkeyder. "Oh did you...

Alright, we'll start with Planet Venus.

In The Greco-Roman mythology, Venus, called also Aphrodite and Shukra.

Is the Goddess of Amourosness, Passion, Seduction, Equality and Pleasure.

Depicted as a very attractive female. as you all can see in the screen.

But we've noticed time and time again, that Satan is very clever in putting his touch.

To each Planet he attributes many good virtues, righteous virtues that were needed in the human world. Thus making people believe in them.

But within those good virtues, worse virtues!

Creating the duality of good and evil.

Love and Passion are nice attributes, but accompanied with pleasure and seduction?

Doesn't that look suspicious?

Doesn't that look like....Two of the 7 Princes of Hell??!!

Lilith and Asmodeus!

Demons of Lust and temptation!!

But let's leave this on a hold...

Sebastin, choose another Planet!"

Sebastin. "..Hmmm, can I choose The moon?"

Alkeyder. "Great choice, we won't be leaving that on a hold for too long then...

The moon, also called Luna/Selene/Shukra.

Godesses of the moon!

Their attributes were Shyness, Subconsciousness, Emotions, Desires etc..

Depicted as again an attractive woman riding a white majestic horse sideways.

Pretty charming indeed...

But again, we notice the existence of suspicious elements.

The subconscious, the desires, clealy meaning the sexual hidden desires one has in his subconsciousness.

That gets strong during the night. When the moon dominates the scene...

It's alright, we all know that we have higher sexual drive during the night.

It's the time where most babies get made, isn't that right?"

*Everybody laughs embarassingly*

Alkeyder continues.

"Hhahaahha...I'll take that as a yes.

So again, Selene and Luna are only Lilith and Asmodeus in disguise!

Both Venus and The moon, are images of two of the 7 Princes of Hell!!

So now it's getting clearer that Satan used such metaphor and imagery, to disguise the image of the 7 Deadly sins in each God.

Who in fact was no God, but just a Prince of Hell!

But let's get even more sure of this.

Elara, choose another planet."

Elara. "...Neptune."

Alkeyder. "Hmmm..Neptune.

In other words, Poseidon and Varuna.

Pretty sure all of you are aware of the Greek God Poseidon. Became a mainstream character in many works.

Neptune is The God of the sea, dreams, idealism and dissolution, but also Illusion and vagueness.

These are pretty much the attributes of another Prince of Hell.

The only one living in the seas. Leviathan!

Who uses his illusion and dreams to lure his victims in the deeper seas.

Contrary to what is believed, Leviathan isn't necessarly a huge Sea monster in the classical sense. Although he has the ability to take any form he wants. But he's just like his brothers and sisters.

A good looking human-ish form of demons.

That because both his parents were of Great beauty.

Especially who was called before "Azazel""

Herald rewinds back to where he saw Azazel in the Labryinth.

Indeed a creature of unparallel beauty!

Alkeyder. "So again, Neptune or Poseidon is just an imagery to worship the demon "Leviathan."

Let's go now to another planet, aka another Greek roman God.

Pluto, Hades or Lord Yama. God of the Underground, Wealth, Death and the Unseen.

Also the subconscious forces and all that is below the surface.

We can already relate it with Leviathan, but not only him. It is mainly Beelzebub's image that is reproducing.

Beelzebub, being the strongest of the 7 Princes of Hell and Satan's first successor.

Was given great powers. He had the ability to disrupt the human mind, to destroy in order to re construct, the first responsible of wars in the history of mankind. Elements of underground and death are clear now.

An information i'll throw out there for all of you is... The first world war 1 "coincided" with the entry of Pluto in Cancer, which is the astrological sign attributed to it.

That is no coincidence my children..."

Herald in himself. 'Damn....How little did i know, and now everything makes perfect sense in such weird way...'

Note that Beazly is the one taking notes the most of everyone, always down writing on his paper whatever information his master says. Doing his best as if he was to take an exam at the end of the semester.

Alkeyder. "Another Planet that Beelzebub had to himself, was Mars.

In other words Ares and Mangala.

Ares was the God of Warfare, soldering, Bloodshed, Strength and Impulseveness!

Isn't it clear already?

To destroy in order to re-new... Those are the primary strengths of Beelzebub the Great.

Although he was previously worshipped by the planet Venus in former corrupted religions.

Satan thought best to change the script, because a prophet had already shown that it was a fallacy.

That being Jeremiah!

Okey so, what other planets are left for us to talk about?"

Joshou. "Uranus!"

Alkeyder. "Hmmmm...Also named, Caelus/Uranos/Indra.

Gods of the sky, individuality, inventions, revolutions and overall politics.

Sounds heroic, but what is really meant by the sky, individuality, revolution is simple selfishness and greed! Put in a clever way again to hide the real entity it's targeting.

Which is The Demon of Greed: Mammon!

The sky is the limit for one's desires for more. individuality, as in only caring about one's self and disgarding the other. All virtues that Mammon had preached about and lured his victims into, by promising them new levels of power, fame and wealth!"

Ayla. "...So now only two Greek Gods are left. The most important ones!"

Alkeyder. "Indeed Ayla..

The two most important...Jupiter and Saturn.

And one of Satan's greatest Fallacies!!!"