Surrender and Denial.






The main battlefield was still at this point a ferocious battle, the fact that everyone accepted that they're basically going to die at any given time, has made them put everything on the line.

If they're going to die they might just as well kill and do the most of what they're able to do. Atleast it will give them a sense of realization and fulfilment.

That's what they all thought, from both sides.

The Balqis soldiers, witht the Atlantean ones were fighting against the demon/human ones with all their might.

"God damn it!!

Is it just me or are these fuckers getting stronger by the minute!!??". Said one of Balqis' soldiers.

And there came the Asian Emperor attacking with his sword from the sky.

The soldier makes a protection seal and blocks it, but the sheer force of the emperor broke through, and slashed the soldier's chest in half, putting an end to his life!!

"Yes...I can feel it!! With each kill I gain more and more strength...

Imagine how much power i'll have by the end of this war...Just thinking about it makes me shiver in excitement!!!!".

Seems like the Emperor is one of the few to enjoy every moment of this hell.



Another Balqis soldier attacks from the sky by shooting venomous arrows.

The Emperor deflects them all with his sword but he missed one and it hit him in the shoulder. So he took it out immediatly and throws it back at the soldier...And the fight continued.

However, the fight between Judas and Astaroth was on a whole complete other level of intensity!!

The two were just rushing at each other and exchanging fists,blows and kicks like crazy...the Ground keeps on shattering and the thunder keeps on coming down harder and harder!!!

While the Hammer is floating on the air and attacking Astaroth each time an open shot presents itself.

At this point, Judas has turned his whole skin into steel!!!

And Astaroth, has 3 Vertical lines drawn on his chest!!!!!

Judas elevated his powers to the extreme, and this has made him finally, an equal match for Astaroth! His punches and attacks land on real damage on the demon dragon. But he takes just as much damage himself!

'...I don't know whether he has more powers than this, but i don't even care at this point...

This feeling...This power!!!

This fight...THE BEST I HAVE EVER HAD!!!'

"HHHHHHUUUUUUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Judas powers up and blows Astaroth away with the thickest biggest thunderstrike there has ever been.

His eyes are like lamps of electricity at this point!!

And his speed was beyond the catch of normal human eyes, even Astaroth could not prevent the punch he got straight to his stomach, and then another one to the chin that almost knocked his sharp teeth away!!!

Judas launched a series of punches and thunder attacks, plus some hits from his hammer towards the back and the head!!!

Astaroth had enough, and finally....


He shows anger and frustration on his face.

It was so intimidating, but didn't phase Judas at all!

However, Astaroth was able to catch on with Judas' moves a bit by bit, and another vertical line was starting to get drawn on his chest....

Until at last.

He deflected every single attack of Judas, and caught both of his fists with his hands.

Grabbing them so tightly, even if they were as hard as steel! It was a matter of time before they break from the pressure he's applying on them.

To break free, Judas brings down another thundereous thunder from the sky right down on both of them, but Astaroth still wouldn't let go!!!

He tries to hit him with the hammer, but unlike before...Astaroth was able to catch it with one of his snakes and stop its movement before it makes contact with him.

Landing an attack using his legs would be a dumb move, as Astaroth can counterattack easily.

Judas was stunned...And didn't see how he can break away from this dire situation.

Simultaneously with the sound of thunder, Astaroth breaks the hands of Judas!!!!

The Atlantean shows pain on his face...

Astaroth. "You have done very well, Judas Meccabeus!

Even better than Bartholomew I would say...He only pushed me to use 3 lines."

Judas, started to halt and show signs of weakness.

"...That is only wasn't his engage in physical combat!!

I am sure you..used some kind of kill him!!"

Astaroth. "...That is true, however he's dead now. And you won't be alive to tell the story either.

In fact, none of you will!

You have struggled with only Archdemons, and the kings were completely out of your calculations.

Beside that your allies, have all been convinced to not join you. Who do you think was the reason?You have been outsmarted by our Majesty!

Your leader should've known well, that it wasn't time for you to fight us on pair.

In fact..He knew it already!"

Judas gets angrier as he realized that Astaroth is looking down on the Atlanteans, and headbuts him with his iron head.

Astaroth willingly lets him off!!!

"Don't be full of yourself!!!

We struggled with no archdemons!!! I killed two like they were nothing.

And so will do the rest of the generals...As for your kings, they're just another stepping stones.

If they were that strong, we would've known about them anyways!!"

Astaroth grins.

"I think you missed something...Do you think Charlemagne didn't know about them?

Do you want to know how strong the king of all demons?"

Astaroth raises his hand and stretchs all 5 fingers.

"Five...He pushed me to use five vertical lines!!"

He's a hard demon to tame, and only does what he pleases...And throughout time he managed to break our Majesty's words, interfeering in humans' affairs.

We know for a fact that he fought with one of your generals. How did that escape your knowledge?"

Judas remembers something, before the fight started...

'...John said he fought with him long ago, we all didn't think much of it at that point. Probably cause we had a war waiting to happen in front us. But if that's true...


Astaroth. "Am i ringing a bell?

It truly seems as if your leader has forsaken you...and gave up the long fight.

Right now everyone is giving his best, and you all are going to die as heroes fighting for the right cause as you all call it.

Isn't that what you all want at the end of the day?

I think...Thats how Charlemagne saw things. I would not blame him one bit if I was one of you."



Judas gets back his hammer, but also gets out of control and rushes towards Astaroth, not realising that he's no more on his level.

Not being able to use his fists he tries to attack with all technics at once, and then throwing kicks of all kinds. He did something clever, which is hitting the ground with his hammer at first as hard as he could. Astaroth was covered in flames and lava, then he brought down multiple thunderstrikes that created a freaking earthquake in all of the area!!!

And At last, he jumped so high on the air and got down with a double kick right on the top of the head. When it hit, the force created was able to dig a deep wide hole in the ground!!!!

All these attacks hit their target directly...

But his kick landed on Astaroth's arms, who blocked it!!!

Right away, he punches Judas soooo hard on the face, throwing him out of the deep hole towards the surface. it broke his under jaw!!!

Astaroth gets out of the hole, with significant damage on his body...He was burned, and bleeding from several wounds...Yet!! The same bone crushing look on the face.

Talk time was over.

He gets near the laying on the ground Judas...And points his finger right towards his head.