Filled With Mysteries

The bloodlust he has for Lu Jianjun is getting stronger with each passing day and night and his thirst could only clench by his blood even if Lu Jianjun has stepped back but that doesn't mean they will let him live. He has to come back to these dark valleys as he'll make sure to take Lu Jianjun to the end of the cliff.

The cold room turned silent and still like the time is stopped by itself.

Speechless, Louis didn't dare to breathe audibly considering the vague atmosphere as he stood motionless like a statue. His previous curiosity to know about the dead woman's deeds was evanescing when Prince thought to enlighten him a little.

"You might be thinking, why she is such a special case?" A dark chuckle erupted through his lips as he tilted his head slightly looking at the zombie-like face which once gave the vibe of a fallen angel to indulge in fantasies but if one sees it now they will only have horrible nightmares.