
" Li Na, are you sure you want to drink this-" the butler raised the cup of tea he made for Li Na when he realized the two were intensely staring at each other. Like a starting battle.

'Oh, Did I miss something? ' The butler thought to himself as the ambience was too intense between them without an exchange of a word.

Lu Jianjun's eyes moved from the teacup held by Butler Wu and back to her. Without breaking the battle of eyes contacts, he graciously picked up his teacup and leaned back on the chair, crossing his one leg over the other.

Li Na narrowed her eyes at him. Suddenly, there was a sudden alteration in his temper from being indifferent to a dominating one. His dull and ignorant eyes became sharp and decisive.

Emulating the man's posture, Li Na held the teacup graciously as if not minding him at all and just like that the Butler felt to be the odd one out between the two well-raised people with all etiquettes and class.