She belongs to you

Startled stiff, Li Na blinked softly amazed by his soothing tone and tenderness she felt by his touch and that understanding in his gaze. She almost speaks out her mind in haste when their bitter realization hit her head. She sighed audibly and set her lips in line as she threw another angry look at him, which she instantly atoned. Lu Jianjun was unabatingly gazing at her and the momentary glimpse she caught of the emotions staunchly threw her ambivalence against him. 

"Nothing!" She mumbled. Her eyes quickly evaded, she was feeling too weak to counter or resist him and his new way of challenging her grit was crippling her hold and causing her tremors to run frantically. 

"How are you feeling?" he asked as he retreated his hand and tucked his hands into pocket standing straight. 

She momentarily shut her eyes and opened them as she lifted her features to meet his steady gaze, "Exhausted!" she replied in a whisper.