
Sheathed, in the rich golden brilliance of the sun, Li Na walked against the burning rays into the backyard garden. Her eyes met with the blurriness of Little Tigers' and she sorely felt restless under the open sky. And at that high altitude, the feeling of cool breeze coherently tousling her hairs as well as her wounds prickles against the gentle force as she ambled watching pointedly at them.

Suddenly, Li Na came to an abrupt halt when she saw Little Tigers' quick turn away from her. He was seemingly nauseous to see her following them.

Lu Jianjun was a little way ahead, strolling at an incremental pace among the flowering bushes and trees while he was tenderly giving small talks of motive to the absent-minded Little Tiger.

The boy continued to stare at the sprinkler spraying water on the moist field of an array of lovely flowers disregarding everything else while a stream of tears rolled down his depressed complexion.