Prefer To Help

Lu Jun-hui stood still on the spot, his mind working frantically through a daze of anxiety and confusion then he ran after her nagging behind for the answers, "Li Na! What did he do? Tell me! Was it Li Cheng that kidnapped you? If it is, then I'll make sure he'll rot in jail for..."

Amused to see his aggression on her behalf, Li Na flipped and spoke, "Oh...really! And how are you intended to do you that?" something hardened in her gaze.

Not having thought of that he became flustered, and Lu Jun-hui struggled to speak, "I-I-I'll ask my brother to do it..."


With a hearty laugh, Li Na rolled her eyes and let out as she turned to walk, "Forget it! Your brother won't even listen to you on this matter let alone he'll do anything significant,"