Over Between Us

Lu Jianjun's response, a soft "Sure, Mei Xing," seemed to hovered tensely. Li Na's request to be carried, which briefly closed the gap her thoughts had opened, seemed to fade, and her arms fell to her sides.

"What?" Li Na asked, confusion colouring her tone as she struggled to interpret the implications behind his nonchalant use of the name Mei Xing. He just met her gaze, holding her eyes with a depth that hinted at unspoken thoughts, then gently started to help her out of the car.

He simply met her gaze, his eyes locking with hers in a manner that hinted at deeper, unspoken thoughts. Then, with gentle insistence, he began to help her out of the car, despite her lack of active cooperation.

Li Na balanced on her uninjured foot, carefully keeping the injured one elevated to avoid contact with the ground.

"Lu Jianjun!" she called out sternly, her voice demanding clarity or at least an acknowledgment of the confusion he had caused.