Going Somewhere

Wang Dawei blinked, slightly thrown by the question. "Yeah, they're identical twins. Why?"

Gu Ming shook his head faintly. "Oh, nothing. Just thinking one of them might fit perfectly into this 'Eternal Fragment' project."

Emily's face paled, and she shot a wide-eyed look at Li Ming. "Seriously? You think that's possible?"

Gu Ming shrugged, his expression dark. "If the science behind this is even remotely real, they'd probably consider identical twins like them ideal candidates."

Emily shuddered, her voice dropping to a whisper. "That's horrifying. I must warn my friend then,"

Wang Dawei scowled, his protective instinct kicking in. "Don't even joke about that," he snapped, his tone sharp. "I'm sure nobody could touch them, they have strong background. No one could use them for anything."