Don't have any interest, right?

People in formal clothes are rushing to the building with full might. I might be the only one in a hoodie and jeans. I go to the receptionist and ask her where the fashion department is.

"19th floor," She tells me without giving me a glance.

A crowd is already waiting in front of the elevator. I contemplate if I can climb up to the 19th floor. That seems like too much work.

Climb or crowd? Climb or crowd? Climb or crowd?

Suddenly, someone grabs my hand and drags me along with him. This Kamiyama Bastard! I can feel people's eyes on us. If you do this in public, people will misunderstand. Why can't you do what I ask you to do? You only have to ignore my existence, you bastard!

He walks straight into the elevator and lets go of my hand. He pushes the button for the 19th floor and 23rd floor. He doesn't give me one glance.

"Kiyohira, you are early today." I hear someone say. I pull my hood down and quietly wait for the 19th floor. Why isn't it the 1st or 2nd floor? Tch!

"Eichi." His voice is calm. That's how he speaks to other people, huh? When it comes to me, he is always mad.

"I heard in the news that your step-sister is joining the company."

Most people get off on the next floor. The elevator has fewer people now.

"Yes." His reply is short and uninviting to anymore question.

"Which department?" This Eichi guy can't take a hint. Did he forget that there are other people here?

When Kamiyama doesn't answer him, he leans closer Kamiyama and whispers, "I heard in the news that she is a hikikomori."

I resist the urge to turn and look at this Eichi. Who is he to speak to his boss like this? From the corner of my eyes, I notice that he is wearing a black shirt. I will remember this.

"Will she be okay here?" Eichi asks softly.

"Don't be nosy."

"Can you tell me her name? I will keep a watch over her."

By that time, there is only Eichi, Kamiyama, and Me. I try to keep myself composed as I wait for the 19th floor to arrive.

"No." Kamiyama's finger suddenly grazes mine. I pull my hands inside my pockets. What's he doing? "She's mine to watch for."

Who's yours? Does he think that I am his property, now? Hah! I will teach you a lesson, Bastard. Just you wait. I will break your delusion. This frog bastard dares to look at the emperor like me.

"I see. It is a huge matter." Eichi lets out a depressed sigh. "Our stocks are going down. Our competitors are trying this opportunity to use it against us."

"You have a big mouth, Eichi. Have you realized that there are other people here?"

"Kamiyama, it's our employees. They know what they should hear and whatnot." Suddenly, someone puts his hands over my shoulder. "Do you work in the fashion department?"

"Let go of her." I hear Kamiyama growl at him. Seriously?

I ignore him and lift my head to look at this Eichi. He is gazing down at me with his intelligent and amused eyes. This guy knows.

"I started today." I smile at him. "My name is Takeuchi Rie."

"I will remember that name." He lets off of me. "Your floor is here."


Kiyohira watches her get off the 19th floor. She doesn't turn around once.

She didn't utter a single word when he was talking about him with Eichi. She didn't push Eichi away when he touched her shoulder. She even smiled at that guy.

He can't understand this woman. Does she allow any man to touch her? Is she really that kind of woman?

From his perspective, a hikikomori like her would be shy or introverted around people because she spent a long time inside her house. She isn't like that at all. She is just aloof and distant. She didn't look at him once.

His jaw tightens. Eichi grins at him and slaps his back.

"Kiyohira, your step-sister is interesting."

"How did you know?" Kiyohira is tensed.

"I saw you dragging her into the elevator." Eichi puts his elbow on his shoulder. "Most employees got off on the wrong floor because they couldn't be calm in the same elevator around you and me. She stayed still and didn't react when I was talking about something that she should not know. I saw you stealing glances at her too. You are quite protective of her. Kiyohira, is there something going on between you and her?"

Kiyohira mentally curses himself for his lapses in front of Eichi. He couldn't ignore her. He doesn't know why he is uneasy. She didn't eat anything during the day. At dinner, she didn't eat one bite properly. In the morning, she left before breakfast. He is sure that she didn't have any breakfast either. She looks like she didn't sleep much last night. Will she be alright today?

Because of that, he forgot for a second what kind of person Takashima Eichi is. Takashima Eichi is the CFO of the Kamiyama Group. He is his close friend for more than sixteen years. They went to school together. They even went to the same university. Eichi has a habit of taking a liking to anything that he likes.

It's not like he likes her. It is better if she doesn't attract Eichi's attention.

"Something is going on between you?" Eichi is surprised when Kiyohira doesn't refute his words. He follows Kiyohira to his office. Mizutani Isami, Kamiyama Kiyohiro's high maintenance assistant, stands up when she watched them enter. She gives them a slight bow. Kiyohira doesn't even look at her. Eichi smiles and returns her bow politely before he follows Kamiyama into his office.

He takes a seat opposite of Kiyohira.

"You made three lapses. Number 1 is that you never touch a woman." Eichi raises his index finger in the air. "Number 2 is that you kept looking at her. You forgot that there are people around you. You were restless. I saw you reaching for her hand. You even said that she is yours to watch over. Kiyohira, that's bold."

"A stepbrother can keep a watch over his stepsister who likes to cause trouble." Kiyohira picks up the report from his table. "I didn't deliberately touch her hand. It was accidental."

He is still annoyed by how she had placed her hands inside her pockets to avoid his touch. She's petty.

Eichi smirks at him. "So, you didn't touch her hand deliberately. You were stealing glances because you were watching your step-sister. You didn't growl at me when I touched her shoulders. I didn't see any jealousy at all."

"I didn't get jealous." Kiyohira glares at him.

"I am your best friend and your only friend, Kiyohira" Eichi lights a cigarette. He has always self-proclaims himself as his best friend. "I know you more than your family members. Tell me now. How did it happen? Was it you or her who initiated it? I want to know why would you like a woman like her. Is it the forbidden aspect? She is your step-sister after all. Kiyohira, I didn't know that you were into that type of person."

Kiyohira puts down the report. "Nothing happened between me and her. Don't build a mountain out of a mole-hill."

Eichi looks him intently. Kiyohira curses him inside his mind. This guy knows him too much. He didn't mind it before. Now, he minds it the most. He doesn't realize that he has started to mind a lot of things since she appeared in his life.

"Eichi, you are mistaken. Nothing happened between me and her." He has to only lie until it becomes the truth. "She won't be here for long. When everything is fixed, she will leave."

"Kiyohira, if nothing is between you and her, you must be okay if I play with her. I have never tasted her type." Eichi has a challenging look in his eyes. "You don't have any interest, right?"

"None." Kiyohira doesn't leak any emotion for him to sniff. "Do whatever you want as long as it doesn't cause trouble to the Kamiyama Group."

Eichi gives him the cigarette. Kiyohira takes it and smokes while quietly gazing at the city from his office.

Eichi whistles a song. That won't do. He has to cause trouble.