A lifetime is too long

He is a bit tired. The woman is adamant. They had sex all day. Still, she wouldn't stay with him.

"I don't understand why you can't remain with me." Kiyohira isn't going to let her go. "I will give you anything that you want. Stay with me for the rest of your life."

"A lifetime is too long." Incensed, she glares at him. "You still lie and try to control me. What was that about Re Games? I don't want it. Who wants a gaming company that makes trashy games? Why would you name it after me? And, do you know anything about me? If you love someone, you want to know them. What do you know about me so far? I haven't forgotten that you lied to me to marry me."

"I know every nook and croony of you. I know the sounds that you make when I am inside you. I am sure that nobody has seen you like that." He tilts his head and smiles. She's flustered and babbling her thoughts. His efforts have not been in vain. "Honey, you like having sex with me, don't you?"