I want to show you my world

"It was a spy drone," Tsuchiya reveals what she knows. "Its purpose was to gather information regarding the house and the people."

"It must have succeeded." He folds his arms. A bead of sweat forms on his forehead. Who is it? This doesn't sound like Hashimoto Chisa's ways. He can't be sure. "Keep an eye if something like this appears again. Raise security and investigate who could be the sender. Not even a bird should enter this vicinity."

Inside the room, Rie looks at the closed door calmly. She frowns deeply. Just then, she hears a small knocking sound.

She opens the bathroom door. There's another palm-size drone sitting on the ventilator window. As if it's aware of the person in front of it, it glides down toward her. There's a small phone attached to it. She takes the phone off it. The drone flies out of the ventilator window smoothly.