Pancakes dipped in honey

[Two weeks ago]

When he wakes up, he finds himself next to a woman. He stares hard at her. She looks a lot familiar. Where did he see her before? He's sure that he shouldn't be on a bed with a woman. 

When he moves, she pulls him closer to her as if he's a pillow. He frowns at her. When he pulls his hand out of her hold and lifts it to push her away, he stops when he sees his small hands. Did they shrink?

Um... what's going on here?

Right, he should be dead. That woman shot him. She wasn't one bit hesitant before killing him.

Then, why is he breathing now? Who is this woman next to him? Moreover, why are his hands small?

"Yuta...awake so early...," The woman mumbles softly. She knows his name. He looks into her eyes - beautiful and familiar, full of love. He's stumped for the words. Where did he see them before? "Are you hungry? I will make pancakes for breakfast."