I didn't teach him anything

"I want a family."

Those words remind her of the time when her adopted parents divorced and left her behind. Back then, she also had that simple wish. She wanted to live with her family the most. She wanted her father and her mother back.

She has seen the same yearning in Yuta's eyes that she once had in her heart.

"Say, Mother." Yuta grabs her hands and shakes it. "Why can't we live together?"

Kiyohira's heart is also aching to see his son like this. Whatever happens between him and Rie, he can't let his son suffer between them. Yuta wants both his mother and father together. He can tell that his son brought him here to make up with Rie.

He looks at Rie who isn't saying anything. He sighs and says to his son, "I can fulfill your first and third wishes, Yuta. But your second wish is impossible."