I want an army to rule

Kiyohira scowls at Takeshi who is grinning ear to ear. "I didn't expect that you would be here."

"I knew that something was up when you called Imamura San and ordered him to clean up the old house in M Village." Takeshi looks at him, smug.

Kiyohira clicks his tongue. "I asked him to keep it secret."

"He didn't tell me, but I was keeping a watch on him. Don't worry. Nobody else knows. I came without telling anyone." Takeshi turns to his sister-in-law. "Sister-in-law, you are more beautiful than before. You should leave my brother and marry me."

Rie chuckles. "You called me your sister once. Are you that shameless?"

"My brother was also your brother once," Takeshi states.

"That's different." She looks away, embarrassed. "You were supposed to be my half-brother. He and I had no blood relation."

Takeshi guffaws. "My offer still stands, Sister-in-law. You know that I am better than him."