You are my property

"If you call me that again, I will bite you and give you rabies." Yuta resists the urge to smash the laptop on the girl's head. It's his mother's laptop. She has important data saved in it. He can't imagine what kind of reaction his mother will show if something happens to this laptop.

"Sora, let's go somewhere else." Yuki grabs Sora's hand. "It's not safe for you to stay here."

Sora blinks at Yuta who shoots daggers at their joined hands. Not understanding why he's being despised, he turns to Yuki. "Yuki, it's rude to call someone a dog."

"You are too young to understand this," Yuki tells the boy who is a year older than him. "You think that everyone is good."

The witch doesn't speak like a child. Yuta bends down his knees and strikes Sora's hand. Sora winces and pulls back, looking at Yuta with shock. "Why did you do that?"