Does Yuki get hurt a lot?

Nina comes back to the motel room. Her body feels heavy, but her heart is heavier. She looks around. There's nothing to take except for her gun and her bag. She has to buy her tools and find a place to hide. She wonders why she's trusting Rie. There's no reason to trust Rie. They are not friends or family. Rie will drop her the moment she becomes a danger to her. Aren't they all like that? 

Should she have kept Ren with her? Keeping Ren doesn't guarantee her life. Rie would have done something insane if she didn't follow her words. She might have put a bounty on her head and send the underworld after her. No one in the DH inner circle is to be underestimated. She can run away. Until when? The DH will chase her till the end. Rather than being hunted down, she will die fighting.