You can’t get hurt without my permission

"I know why you did it." Yuta falls on his knees -- defeated. His voice becomes faint as he mumbles again, "You heartless woman, I know now."

Kirishima Yuki is only six years old. Though he is smarter than other children his age, he is not a mind reader. He can't comprehend why the rabid dog is crying in front of him. All of a sudden, it's not a boy in front of him but a man.

Widening his eyes, Yuki takes a step back away from the man. The man is sitting against the wall. Cladded in black clothes, the man's head is tilted to the right. The blood hasn't been gushing out of the three holes from his chest at an alarming rate, yet he looks like he's sleeping. Yuki's body moves on its own. He takes a step closer to the man. He cups the man's cheek with his palm. 

In Yuki's room, Yuta looks up when someone cups his face. The woman smiles at him -- the same damn smile. He asks her with a weak voice, "Was it worth it?"