I don’t have this

"What?" With an awkward smile, Yuta steps away from her. She's only a kid, right? She's six years old. How many times has he reminded himself of that fact? "Are you not satisfied with that book?"

"No." Yuki flips the pages with a straight face. He scrutinises the female anatomy diagrams. "I can't look inside my body. It's natural that I should look at the real organs of a male and a female. After seeing yours, I will see Sora's. Then, I will find a girl."

Yuki doesn't have any female friend. So, finding a girl is a tad bit difficult. Sora has a lot of friends. He will ask him to bring one. There's no way that he's going to trust a mere book. 

"I knew that you were insane." Horrified, Yuta snatches the book away from her. "But, I didn't know that your insanity runs this deep. How can you molest little children, you dimwit?"

"Molest?" Yuki wrinkles his nose. "I am just going to take a look. Take off your pants and show it to me now."