I only wanted to see his penis

Is he a chef hired by his son? Who says that he will cook for his son's friends? He only likes cooking for his wife and son. 

Kiyohira glances at Yuki who is looking at Yuta and Rie with a tint of jealousy and sadness in her eyes. It can't be helped. He can make an exception or two. He rubs her blonde hair and asks her with a smile, "Do you have any special demand, Yuta's friend?"

She's startled. She moves away from him and shakes her head. She said bad stuff to them that night. Why are they not angry at her? She shouldn't have come here. 

"Yuki, come here." Rie signals the child to come to her. Yuki takes slow and cautious steps toward Rie. She glances at Yuta who nods at her. Rie smiles at her and places her hand on Yuki's back. "I am glad that you and Yuta are friends now. If he ever bullies you, you can tell me. I will hang him upside down until he apologizes to you."