Don’t be jealous of someone else’s happiness

She doesn't know how long it's been since she wore a proper dress. Maybe the last time she actually tried to look pretty was when she had to attend the convocation in the university. It's been years. She doesn't mind wearing nice clothes for such events. 

Regardless of her experience, Yamashina Chiyo is a little uncomfortable in the sleeveless black lacy dress that ends a few inches above the knees. Pants are better for running. She doesn't have to worry about flashing her panties if she ever falls or slip. She lets out an exasperated sigh. 

The restaurant is one of the top restaurants in the city where the dishes would cost her one month's salary. She has the urge to kill someone today. Thanks to her cousin, she got scolded by her superior. Now, she's on a blind marriage date with a stranger. To make matters worse, her cousin is late. The people who are always on time often suffer like this. 
