Diary of Christopher Ash - Part 1

Sitting on a chair with a frown, Mira flips the pages of the diary with disinterest. She has read the first half of the diary. It's a boring tale of a boy who is always complaining about his father's moodiness and his younger sister's attention-seeking tactics. In some entries, the boy wrote about his annoying classmates and how everything was meaningless because he had something important to do.

She guesses that the younger sister is her mother, Ayaka Kirishima. She can't understand why her father wants her to read this. What will she find out in these pages? Will she finally get the answers? Why her mother is strange? She sighs and resumes reading from the page where she stopped.


[Diary of Christopher Ash]

September 19th 200X

Today is a special day. It's Mother's death anniversary.

It's a good day to reminisce the past.