If my uncle doesn't appreciate your beauty

"I am bored." Iori raises her legs. "Why is he not calling me?"

She exhales. The last few weeks have gone by so fast. One day, she woke up and saw the news that Umezaki Rie was alive. Because she knew the Kamiyama family very well, Umezaki Rie had given her an exclusive interview. Thanks to that interview, she managed to get the transfer to the main branch in T City.

But Takeshi is definitely mad at her for taking advantage of the Kamiyama's family situation. He hasn't talked to her since she had taken the interview.

"If it's like this, then let it be." Iori crosses her arms. "I did nothing wrong. Even Umezaki-san was fine with it. Then, why is he mad at me? His elder brother didn't say anything either."