I am not a masochist

The three Kamiyama men sigh together while the fourth one giggles when they see a redhead waving his arm in front of the house. Rie steps out of the car, excited to see her long-time friend. "Ren, you coward! Why didn't you visit me once in prison? Do you know that you missed an opportunity to see me in prison clothes?

Kiyohira and Yuta sigh. What's so exciting about wearing a prison uniform? Is it something that she should be showing off?

"Rie-chan, I wanted to come but…" Ren glances at Kiyohira. "That man prohibited me from visiting you."

Rie narrows her eyes on Kiyohira. "Why?"

"I am your husband. He was your first love." Kiyohira mutters, "Which husband lets his wife see her first love?"

"He's still not over it?" Rie clicks her tongue. "There's no cure for jealousy."

"You should divorce him and be with me, Rie-chan." Ren takes her hands. "I still think that you married the wrong guy."