Please ignore me

Kinoshita Iori looks at the tower and releases her breath. She will find out for sure. How long will they hide it? She takes her phone out of her pocket. She didn't record anything good today. She taps a name on her phone. "It failed. He's too tight-lipped."

[Come back for now. We will find out next time.] She hears her senior's voice. 

She hangs up the call. Even her attempt at flirting with that man failed. The man's heart won't move at all. How is there such a cold-hearted and selfish man in the world? He's almost like… 

She shuts her eyes. Why is she thinking about that moron right now? She slaps her cheeks. "Focus, Kinoshita Iori., Focus."

She already made a choice. She won't turn back. Kamiyama Takeshi can go to hell. Love can also go to hell. What is important right now is to find out how the accident happened. The company isn't taking responsibility. "It should be the police investigating this."