My man has to be hotter than yours

The office is small, containing only two tables, an old laptop, and piles of disorganized folders with clippings from newspapers and magazines. All the binders are closed. The man is short, petite, and dark-haired. He has been sitting on the same chair for hours, staring up at the ceiling with a lost look in his dark eyes. "We are dead, aren't we?"

"Senpai!" Iori fists the table. "Don't be depressed. It's not over yet."

"I already got calls from people who want to throw us into the ocean," Sawano Shusui tells her with a hopeless voice.

"It means that they have something to hide." Iori sighs. Thankfully, nobody from her family got threatened. Her mother is not on speaking terms with her. Chiyo doesn't get affected by these threats. "They wouldn't go this crazy if they didn't have something to hide."

"Why can't you dig out a scandal instead?" Shusui looks at her. "We can turn this into a tabloid."