Leftover of a man

Takeshi doesn't fight back, though his body is in pain. For god's sake, he was in an accident. The injuries are minor compared to the state of his car. His head is throbbing with pain, not because of the accident. She has pulled his hair too hard. Has she realized where she is sitting on? "If I die, what will you do? You would become a widow before you get married to me."

"Who said that I would marry you?" She tightens her fingers around his neck a little. He looks ready to die at her hands. "I would rather die as a single woman."

"But aren't you here because you wanted to punish me for dating other girls?" He places his hand on the curve of her waist. "There's only one way to do that. Let's stop being idiots and get married tomorrow. If someone threatens you, we will bully that person together like we used to."