You already know who she is

"Kid, are you dead?" Furutani Taro questions the girl sitting in the passenger seat of a stolen car. "How come I am your murderer?"

With her eyes closed, she inhales sharply. "They might have found someone who looked like me."

"Same clothes too?" Furutani Taro folds the newspaper and throws it out of the window. Someone powerful is behind this girl. "The police are chasing me now."

"Weren't you always a suspect?" She looks at him quietly. "Has one more murder change anything?"

It hasn't. Furutani Taro starts the car. However, it's troublesome to have the police on his tail again. Staying in this city is dangerous. "We should leave the city for a while."

Not for a while. Mira stares ahead at the road. Pawns like Tezuka Kohei can be replaced easily. The game has changed already. Can she choose the new pieces? 

The Consortium will be alert for sure.