If they are in this together

"I am sorry."

Yuta blinks his eyes, stupefied. He hasn't expected to hear an apology. Not knowing what to do or think, he keeps his head lowered, frozen in his spot.

"You had to do that," Rie tells him with a breaking voice, "because we failed as your parents… not once or twice. I am sorry, Yuta."

"It's n-not your fault, Mother." Yuta raises his head and sees her watching him with a melancholic smile. That's what he didn't want to happen. His mother shouldn't blame herself. "You tried your best, but some things were meant to happen. I don't think that we can ever avoid the Consortium and --"

Rie pulls him in her embrace, patting his back as she bursts into sobs. Yuta can't understand why she's crying like this. He looks at his father who doesn't look any better. He has expected anger or disgust but not tears and sadness.