A legal license to have sex

"Mother says we should always leave the house after pooping." Honoka bobbles her head seriously. "I like your brother. I wish I could meet him."

"You can meet him later at school." Kiyohira places Aerie on the seat. "Honey, I will send your brother to school later. Stay with Honoka all the time. Don't wander off."

The school has a tight security. Nothing bad should happen. However, the Consortium is powerful. They don't know when or how they might attack. He's hoping that the Consortium would stick to their original plans. They might change their plans if they notice that Aerie's true identity is already exposed. 

Aerie lets go of his hand reluctantly. She wanted him to come. But uttering her wish feels hard. She gives him a small smile. "I will do as you say."

He rubs her head once again before he closes the car door. 


"Umezaki-san, is there no way to retrieve those emails?" Iori questions Rie.