My child will die

 With his younger brother on his lap, Yuta is sitting on the wheelchair and keeping a watch on the girls playing under the tree. The weather is rather good today, and he is an unofficial babysitter. 

The girls are rather cheerful. Honoka keeps trying to speak to Yuta who ignores her as if she is air. He is rather upset. His uncle is getting married, and his mother is at work. There have been some problems with Re: Games. The launch date of the new game is postponed. 

They don't say it, but he knows that his parents are trying to find out about the book. His father is looking into some videos. They aren't telling him anything because he is sick. 

He is not sick. Yuta is sure that he was poisoned because his paralysis is going away with time. He can move his arms and upper body now. However, his legs are still weak. By tomorrow morning, he should be able to walk. 

The book must have contained some secret poisons.