Back to Thomas,

he wakes up again but this time remain laid because there is no energy remain in his body not even to sit up. In this lightly dim room, he turned his head around and check the surrounding to confirm that what he saw earlier was real.

After confirming everything looks real and he is in very familiar place, he became puzzled. Questions storms up in his mind.

'I should've been dead by now. How did I end up here!?! We survived!?!? No, that might not be the case. most of all this place, it's very familiar. ...wait, it is all from my previous world!!!!! But it was destroyed long ago!!' His mind was in dizzy state and started to imagine every possibilities how did this happen. Suddenly.

[Are you done with your imagination?]

As he was pondering a crisp female heavenly voice rang in his mind. He was caught off guard by it.

"Who are you?!?" He asked looking for origin of voice.

[Haha, relax, I won't harm you. Don't look around searching me, because I am in your head.]

Seeing him this cautious, voice giggles and replied.

Hearing this Thomas became even more puzzled and astonished.

'In my head!??!!'

he looked more puzzled so she started to talk.

[I will explain everything to you but first, tell me what you last reminder before arriving at this place, so it will not confuse you any further and it will save some effort to me, easy for you to understand.]

Thomas listen carefully. He also wants to know what is going on? He agreed with her, as it will become even more confusing for him if he asks questions in puzzlement. He tried recall and said.

"Well, last thing I know that I died in battlefield and so the human race died with me. A energy sword pierce through my chest. Regret filled in my heart, reluctant to die I thought if I had a second chance." he only gave vague description and said about his last wish as voice ask him for it then waited for the voice to speak.

He regretted that he was powerless when everything started and can't do anything because he was not strong enough.

[Consider yourself lucky, that you survived and got your second chance.]

When the voice sounds again, hearing her words Thomas become stupefied. He didn't understand what she meant by saying that.

'Got my second chance!!? What second chance?! What the hell is she talking about?'

[Jut listen, don't ask questions. Your necklace, the peril in it is a origin relic. One of its kind, It is called 'spacetime peril'. A relic of origin race. I was fuse with it. When you was about to die, you activated me and I used the relic to save you. We traveled back to the past, In the process I was severely damaged, my structure nearly collapsed back then, but I found new structure to merge with.]

Looking at Thomas, not responding and hearing his doubts she briefly explained.

Listening the entire thing he glanced at the necklace. There is only little part of peril is remained. He became even more confused, because this necklace is always with him from the beginning. Now he was told that he traveled to past and it cause lot of questions in his mind also.

"Thank you for saving my life, but I have questions. what is 'origin race'? What is 'origin relic'? Why are you fuse with it? How I travel back in time? I need some details." he first thanked her from the heart, after all she saved his life then ask load of questions.

[As I thought, you didn't understand anything. Sigh. Origin race is a ancient civilization the oldest of the old and highly advanced race known for their creations, ruling and punishments and their founder called 'origin lord'. He is a consciousness of 'origin seed', who created this very universe and life forms within it. That consciousness created several things from origin seed that are known as 'origin relics'.]

Saying this much she took a breath and continued.

[and as for why I fuse with one of the relic? Its because I am also a origin relic.]

She stopped there allowing Thomas to digest this information.

While she was explaining everything Thomas was getting shock after shock. He only knew that there are lots of species in vast universe because of the encounterings in past life. Never did he imagine that he possess a relic of a entity who created universe and life within it and two of such a relic, on top of that. But why does he posses them? He only knew that he had this necklace when he was baby and he is orphan. If his parents gave this to him and leave him in orphanage....his mind boggled by it so he ask again. Who mightbe his parents?

"But why do I have them? Such a powerful thing should be safe in the hand of origin race. don't you think so? And you explain half of it." He asked in puzzlement.

She got mad seeing more questions coming and said angrily.

[I don't know Why you have two of the relics. There are lot of relic origin lord created. Find out yourself and you traveled back in time because as I activated that peril it opens up split time space portal and suck you in. your body can't bear the split space time fluctuations, It was too late for me to protect your body and was nearly destroyed so I put barrier around your soul to protect you in that process l got damaged and I merge your soul to this body of yours and I also have to merge with body because of that. In a split time space there is no destinations to predict, you can go any where future, past even in other dimensions. That's why I said consider yourself lucky arriving in past.]

She was irritated by Thomas. But continue afraid of questions he will ask if she stops. She wants to explain everything so it can clear any doubt Thomas have.

[Your necklace, the peril in it called 'relic of destiny' and I'm the 'heaven's will', 'overseer of universe' and the relic of 'law & punishment' also known as relic of 'adaptation'.]

Thomas is overwhelmed by the burst of information but another shocking information blown to his face.

"You....you mean you're the heaven in old stories that gave heaven tribulations and punishment!!?!?" Thomas astonishingly asked.

She was satisfied by the look of Thomas who is in awe and disbelief and Said with pride.

[Heaven is the place, and I managed it before and gave punishment whoever goes against the law of heaven in every world that are under the rules of heaven.]

hearing this Thomas mind blasted.

The only thought pop in his mind that if the old mythical and fantasy stories are not just baseless stories but something based on truth and actual cause...holy shit! His mind went crazy as more questions raise in his mind but he put halt to his curiosity.

For him the thing only matters right now is that he is alive and other things do not concern him. Thomas absorbed everything, clearing unnecessary thoughts, accept the reality. As for questions of possession of relics, he will eventually find out.

"By the way when are we? I mean how many year in the past we arrived?"