After Thomas went asleep, 'will' return to the duo.

"All in all you will manage this academy temporarily in my stead, it's nothing much you have to sign some papers, manage some tasks and cross check everything at the end of the day." Old man said.

Kevin simply listen to him like a kid listen to teacher.

They were walking around while conversing and stopped at the certain door.

"Now the main reason I summand you here is lies behind this door." Old man face become serious. His face always been expressionless. This time was the same but air around him changed instantly as he mentioned that reason to Kevin and the old man enter the room.

Kevin on the other hand also became serious he was also wondering what could it be that made even this old man so serious.

He knew his uncle very well and never seen him this serious.

He followed behind the old man and entered the room. As he entered the room he was greeted by the wall full of monitor screens displaying various part of the academy. The centre of the wall has big screen showing video of cadet sleeping. The room was also very small like cabin.

Kevin was dumbfounded by that and he inwardly thought.

'This is a surveillance room!!! Uncle, even if you didn't said anything about it I will be doing this, there is no need to keep secrecy about it.'

"This is not what you think." seeing Kevin's expressions old man said. He knew it way before Kevin arrived here that he would be mistaken this place for surveillance room. Not only Kevin but anyone who enter this room will made mistake, he was no exception when he was brought here as well.

Kevin snap out of his dumbfoundness after hearing old man and looked at old man seriously but still puzzled.

"You have seen surveillance room in the security department." He continued not caring about puzzled Kevin.

"This room saperate from entire academy's communication and network system. It is specially designed for sole purpose of to keep an eye on that person." Saying that he pointed out big screen on the wall.

Kevin notice the big screen and person in it before but ignore it before and after hearing this thing he got really shocked and seriously check out the man on the screen.

He noticed that man is a cadet looked over no more then 15-16 years old and is in the recovery bay sleeping soundly. It shocked him, out of all the things hadn't aspects that. Whole thing is setup for a single person!! and mere cadet on top of that!! And That man is non other than Thomas himself.

Old man just stayed still and give Kevin some time to recover from this little shock.

"Uncle?!! all of this for mere cadet?!?! Why? What did he do?" He emmidietly asked after recovering.

Old man was satisfied with the same shock he got learning about this.

"You'll find out but answer my questions first." Old man said happily. He enjoyed teasing Kevin.


Kevin was so curious about the matter and he thought old man will surely give him answer but he drop another bombshell on him.

"No buts answer my questions and you will soon find out seeing my actions reasonable."

Alright Kevin nodded unwillingly.

"What do you think why this academy built here in the first place?" Old man asked his first question.


Kevin got confused nuts but still answered.

"This...there are two reasons. First, is to connect west cities of central continent with the eastern side cities of continent and second to provide much better training to the younger generation of alliance's upper echelons so they can lead and fight against terrorism betterly."he replied while thinking.

'Isn't this information is known to everyone and quit simple here alliance can bring out their cadets potential because there is no civilian around here so can do intense training and even get in real battle with beast in nearby forest.'

"Do you think it's that simple?" The old man question him again as like he reads his thoughts.

Kevin was taken a back by that he thought if it isn't for this two reason so what is other reason than this two?

"You didn't find it odd that building a academy here rather than building it near city?!!! It will become easy if there might accident occurs easy for injured to treat in city betterly it even reduced the cost of building this academy near city, no??" Old man explain the facts.

"Now that you pointed out this, it is really odd." Kevin also realized by now. "So why this academy built here?"

Old man got the point here. If academy was built near the city it's overall cost for building and even medical bay cost reduced significantly.

"Because this academy is not here to train cadets or to connect any cities but to only held him in this place. In short this whole academy is prison entirely made for him." Old man revealed the truth behind the academy's construction in this very place.


As soon as old man reveled the truth, Kevin's mind blown up. He nearly fell, loose his composer completely, his eyes pop out of the sockets.

'A prison for one person.... no mere sixteen years old kid!!!!!'

Only this sentence floating around in his mind.

But he recovered very quickly after all he is the best soldier in his time and managing quite a weird thing for alliance recently. He manages the top classified internal affairs of alliance council. And that is why old man connected him because he is in higher authority and trustworthy.

Realizeing that hedid not beat around the bush as he understood the seriousness of matter. He directly come to the point.

"What is the identity of this cadet? and why needing this much hustle and secrecy?" He only asked two questions as he knew if he gets answer to this particuler questions the whole thing will unfolds in front of him.

"Good question, but I can't tell you his real identity as a matter of fact, he is the one of the volunteers of 'Guardians project' and one of the best soldier." Old man didn't tell his real name but gave the reason behind it.


third bombshell drop on Kevin. He can't believe that what he heard. Earlier only his eyes pop out but this Time his mouth is wide open as if it will hit the ground any time.

"G...GA...GUARDIAN?!?!?! A GUARDIAN!!!!!!"

His shock is obvious because it is Gardian old man is talking about. the highest grade of super soldiers. Like various ranks in military soldiers are also divided into classifications and Guardians are top of that list. After the alliance get started it launched various projects that can improve and enhanced soldiers ability.

They have done quite a lot of experiments and after a numerous trial and error they succeed and one of the first successful program was Gardian program and this soldier's performance in the battlefield was quite impressive they made terrorist and wild beast retreat with only having few in numbers.

But that program was based on bio augmentations and Thomas didn't look like he's gone through numbers of sugeries. It's look like he didn't gone through any of the sugeries.

"But....but...he...he did not have bio augmented body!!" Kevin screem in astonishment, he is about to go crazy.

"I also don't know, may be he is newly developed chemically enhanced soldier of Gardian program. look how young he is?" old man replied. But in reality he lied to Kevin.

'Sorry kiddo, but I can't reveal his identity.' He blame himself for this.

'Even he doesn't know!?' Kevin is not even shock any more. He had been getting lot and quite a larger shocks after he arrived here he only amused by that fact. Ignorant about real facts.

'Sure enough this kind of thing known by less people is only better.' he thought carefully and arrive at conclusion.

"Amhrmmmm." Old man coughs to draw Kevin's atteintion to him.

"As for now his name is Thomas, he is an orphan. Good at everything and other details are here in this file." he pick up a file from the table and passed on to Kevin after saying.