Thomas had laid himself on bed as he rested enough he just lay there and waited for 'will' to explain about his doubt as she said earlier.

He patiently waited for a while for her to start but only got silence seconds became minutes. The awkward silent made him mad. And started to question himself.

'Was I really dreaming back then?'


And just to confirm the 'heaven's will' is still there he threw question randomly in air.

"Hey are you still there?"

[Yes, I am still here. What is it?]

And few moments later his speculation was cleared. A familiar crisp voice sounded in his mind. He was revealed hearing her voice in his head. The loneliness feeling in him vanished.

[And, I have a name. You know.]

"But it is a bit mouthful and awkward. How about giving you a new name or nick name?" Thomas suggested.

[No, just tell me why did you call me?] She angrily rejected.

"Sigh!! About the thing you said in medical bay. It's system didn't work how it should work. You did something, right? That's why you said you would explain later back then." He was disappointed by her rejection but still reply.

He had felt it weird a bit. Its because sensor would have went off immediately as he get out of the bed. He knew about the mechanism.

Also about camera because medical bay didn't have camera because of sensor, but his room have them and had 3 of them on top of that. Even so no one arrived there even after much time passed.

[Oh! I forgot. Amhrmm, yes I had done something that causes interfierance the signal that alert management about cadet's situation.]

She Said nonchalantly as if it is a thing she do after waking up.

"So you can also do that! That's cool." Thomas enthusiastically said.

[Who do you think I am?]

She proudly said.

"But how come camera's recording go unnoticed? And most of all why there are cameras in the medical bay?" He asked confusingly.

[Sigh. Didn't I tell you just now? First thing I had done after arriving here was to take control over all systems and network then remove all evidence of what happened there and my damaged structure problem and learn about this world. I tampered the video recording of your when peril was glowing then shot in to your head so that you will not get into trouble. I also scanned the entire world for better understanding but can only oversee small area surrounding you as I am damaged.]

She explained but sounds depressed when mentioning about her structure.

Thomas got shocked by her explanation and only asked.

"So you are connected to systems and networks here, it means you literally, hack the world!!?!!" He asked this question because everyone networks and systems are connected to each other one way or another. If there are some not connected by many, there should be one.

[Yeah, kind of!]

In reply to his question she only answer this.

He was prepared for it but even then he was stunned by that reply.

'Kind of!? Go hell with your 'kind of', you hacked the whole world interconnected by networks and systems yet you said 'kind of'. Just say yes or no. What do you mean 'kind of'?' He was inwardly saying stuff that comes into his mind.

Ignorant about she can hear him loud and clear. If he about it before hand, he would not say something like that, not even in his dream and accept the answer given by her, but.....

[You know, I can still hear you.]

She said annoyingly.

Immediately as soon as he heard that, he realised, that he fucked up.

"Aa...sorry!?" Now that he was in the awkward position and didn't know what to do he apologize promptly with thinking about his pride and dignity because he love his life, now that he gets second chance, he didn't want to loose that too. Who wants to mess with entity that once controls the heaven.

Now it make sane to him why could she reply to him even though he thought about doubt and questions. She can read his mind!!

[Just don't do that again, alright.]

She said very annoyingly. Looks like she is really pissed at Thomas.

Thomas revealed by that he got off so easily. Both went silent not have somethingto discuss.

And to break this awkward silence Thomas asked.

"A..before I called you. You were not here or focused on something else, I guess?"

[I, was busy.]

She doesn't want to answer but harshly replied.


[Shut up.]


He was also pissed by the fact that she is treating him like kid or something and suddenly something pop up in his head.

'The camera, in medical bay, why they were there? I asked her about it but she didn't answer.' He thought.

"Hey, what about cameras in room of medical bay? You didn't answer that." So he promptly asked thinking that she forgot this also.

[The management of the academy is keeping an eye on you.]

'Will' said. She straight forwardly told the truth.

"Keeping an eye on me!? But why they are doing this?" He didn't understand what she meant so he asked.

[You forgot your own story! You were a part of the super soldier programme.you idiot! That's why.]

She only told him about his made-up story and not tell about what she learned from old man. She also knew about his origin that is only she herself knew but only told half of the truth that Thomas Could easily believed in.

"But, I am rejected by programme! A failure that can't endure augmentation." He said confusingly.

He could not get it, why a rejected man like hin who is not strong enough to keep up with normal cadet's standard is even threat to them?

[It is probably because of that. Earlier you said you had done well in that programme its what your records showed, right? You had to gone through lot of stuff that causes your genetic and biological transformation and made you strong from others. That's why even if your body couldn't adept the augmentation and you were remdoved from programme they are watching over you because even if you are rejected, the effectiveness of enhancement still remains there. Atleast This are my assumptions.]

She gave her assumption to Thomas to understand b'cus she can't tell him truth that he is a part of big plot and this academy is only a prison made for him. not right now! He'll sure freak out.

"Oh! So they are only afraid that I will lost control of myself completely and totally go berserk wreaking havoc. Sure their concerns are right I went berserk 2 times already." That clear his doubt.

He completely bought her story and made his own assumptions but for him this acceptable it's like parents looking over their naughty kids no parents would be stupid enough to made their kids play without their watch. Who knows what will they do when they are not looking?

Then 'will' told him about his situation in the academy. How are they watching over him, camera in room and about security and advice him to be not to do things rashly except that there is a special room only for monitoring him. But for some reason Thomas feels like she sounded angry and pissed at him.