Before he could understand something.

[Let me start the system first. Then we can check it out.]

She said that and activated the system.

Thomas's body shivered and his head aches a bit as she started the system.

[Systems is started, the activation went smoothly. Now you can check it out.]

Will said happily seeing complete activation without any difficulties.

"A....I will check out but how? Isn't there something to press in game? But I don't see any button here!" He exclaimed his problem and asked.

He remembered he had heard some of cadets talked about new game in the past that there is some special buttons to one have press for bringing up respective window in front of oneself.

[Ah! How silly of me to think that this dumb person who doesn't have knowledge of game can do use its functions without any help!]

She mumbled to herself and dejectedly said.

[Just think of the function you want to use or to see.]

Thomas didn't have an idea what she wants him to do but he does as will told him to do.

"STATUS!?" He thinks about in his mind.


With buzzing sound pop up in front of his eyes hung in the air.

Thomas jumped in surprise by something pop up in front of him, but seeing it's only a window screen he loos up a bit.

Will was amused seeing him jump in fright by mere pop up window.

Thomas calm down himself and observe the transparent blue window in front of him.



Name: Thomas

Gender: male

Title: none

Status: cadet

Level: 10 (20) {weakened,restricted}


Strength:{28} 48 (64)

Stamina:{28} 46 (67)

Defance:{28} 40 (66)

Dexterity:{28} 42 (65)

Wisdom:{28} 51(57)

Willpower:{28} 56 (59)

Intelligence:{28} 49 (53)

Perception:{28} 48 (59)

Charm:{28} 35 (78)


Condition: normal/weakened, restricted.

Remark: needs improvement.


He glanced at everything. It stated his name, gender, conditions, attributes and level but He noticed that there are two types of digits in level and three attributes, and weakened & restricted written in condition and level both place.

He frowned over looking at these things in his status window.

[I can explain about it.]

Will already estimated he will asked about double digits and special condition thing and looking at his trouble face she extended her help.

[Digits in brackets are your actual attributes and level, and without brackets are your current attributes and level while first constant digits are ordinary people's attributes at current level that is10, that's only for comparison. The condition thing pointing your body's health and current conditions and as it states you are in weakened condition and something is restricting you from fully recovering your overall strength.]

Thomas digest these information and overview everything, absorb it and came to the point for his weakened condition.

"It must be my berserk state." He assumed.

[I don't know.]

Will honestly stated her opinion about his doubt and suggest to check other functions.

[ hey, check the others]

"Alright then."



Here, Kevin is getting bored and looking at the details of Thomas reports. It is a hard copy not the usual digital data input in hollow frame.

Hollow frame is a pen like device that upon activation create hollow rectangular frame and projects hollowgram over it.

This intrude Kevin because he was used to hollow frame easy to read data but this is hard copy one have to hold it in hand for a long time and have to read.

'Sure enough, uncle is very cautious about the information of this kid. Digital data can be leak one way or another and spread quickly whereas this thing no one sees it important in this growing digital world.'

He opens the file and started to read.

After seeing the reports Kevin understood everything why his identity kept secret and made this academy prison for him.

It come out that he is a one of a second gen Gardian as he suspected. newly upgraded super solders. 'He is quite fearsome person, '34 covert ops, 23 search and destroy, 12 rescues, 19 solo, 100% success rate!, no casualties!?', hell.....'

As Kevin read the reports he started to sweating beads after beads.

Because out of all mission 27 are impossible to complete mission, every team he lead, there are no casualties, of corse there must be wounded, but no one died and most of all, 19 solo's are all behind the enemy lines, heavily guarded hqs of terrorists not even whole battalion could have been reach even the gate of those hqs and this man here, completely destroyed all and anheliate the terrorists in their!!

'This kid, 34 more mission and he almost broke the record of 'the legend'. If not for his last mission catastrophe, I'm sure he would be new legend in near future, maybe 8-10 years? Maybe? We're talking about 'the legend' here!'

He read more and learn that in the last mission was to destroy another terrorist hq and lead the team. Almost got success but found out that, that hq was setup for them, to lure him and his team to the heart of hq and ambush them. And for the success of mission this kid blew up the whole hq with him while getting out of the ambush, no one survived, he and one personal of his team are the only one who made it out live. Other guy lost both of his legs in the blast. Fortunately, Thomas have newly developed armour on him since he made it out with his body intact but armour turn into scrap and have serious internal head injury with cost of memory lost.

He was put in here because putting him in the 'hibernation healing tube' would worsen his brain injury. The so called hibernation healing tube is a chamber where one can put injured person in, it can heal them but first freezing that person to cryogenic state.

Putting him in cryogenic state would froze his brain but not heal it and it will lead him to crippled state. Doctors advice that time will heal his injury is best way possible.

But putting him in 24×7 surveillance and prison like environment could made him Rouge in confusion as he lost his memories thats why built this academy so it can save him from exposure and others evil hands or rather saying that made them feel safe from doing this.


Meanwhile Thomas checked out the other function also. He learn lot of things like, inventory can be used in two ways. One is slots type inventory that gives Thomas up to 20 slot of space each slot is stackable and he can stack 99 items per slot. Other is very big but single space storage like a room he can put anything in until it gets full. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages. Slot type can only take 20 items but their quantity make up for it. Storage type don't have limitations on items he can store as many different types of items as he want but it's space is limited.

Mission function can give holiday missions. He can complete them and earn rewards that's what will said. As he didn't see any mission in it. Will explain that mission will appear when he will totally regain his strength.

Shop is not available. Reason for that shop sells and buy items and uses space Thomas didn't have much space for his inventory like he could spare some for shop he have to expand his inventory but how? Even if he give some space what can he buy or sell as will does not possess any item and Thomas don't have anything either.

Map this function have very practical use to Thomas because will had scan the entire world so it contain very detailed map of the world but problem is that the entire map is foggy except some part of academy is clear out.

Will explain that this is how the game structure work one have to explore the map for details and the exception places are the area that Thomas walked through after arriving in past.