In the classroom four columns and five rows of cadets sitting in an arranged manner, every column has 15 cadets, so in total there are 60 cadets present in the room.

The room is shaped like circular from the back and it narrow down to front that has straight wall with glass display, there is a stage below it with a table like a block in the middle, it also have digital display glass. All in all the area around stage and wall display looks like a typical sci-fi war room.

That table in particular, with a digital display that gives cadets information about subjects they are currently learning and for teachers to explain easily so cadets can understand, it also possesses hollow graphics effect to understand and learn war strategy, in-depth analysis of situations and all that.

Cadets are chatting with each other merely because the subject teacher is late today.

Thomas was just on time and is sitting quietly and waiting for the teacher to arrive and start the class.

For some reason, it is very late for the teacher to be this late. Some cadets took liberties of this situation and started to chat and discuss like they are in the park. Only Thomas is sitting quietly as other cadets from his right and left started to chat with cadets in front and back respectively.

It's not that everyone here despises him, at least not his batch of 15, they accepted him long ago but same can not be said for other 3 batches. As for his batch, they are ignoring him because their combat scores affected by his berserking in the middle of combat drill exercise, so they are not in the mood to talk with him.

Other batches cadets noticed Thomas and the situation he is in, so they misunderstood that his own batch members are ignoring him also and started to talk about this matter.

"Hey, look the berserk boy is here as well!"

"What?! He is here? Isn't he supposed to be in recovery bay...ah! He is indeed here!"

"You didn't see him coming out of bay earlier in this morning!? I saw him escorted by robots you know!"

"He recovers this quickly? How is it possible? !bunny from our batch went berserk and needed four days to recover!"

"Yeah even then he did not fully recover and crippled after some time but this guy only took less than day's time to move like healthy chicken."

The cadet becomes jealous as he said that and it's like rubbing salt on the wound to him when some cadet commented on that further.

"That's not all, this guy had gone berserk for two times this was his second time and look at him, it doesn't look like he had gone berserk even for once."

"This low-level bitch..., it's good that even his team does not like him either. How could this lowborn even admit in this academy? That is the fact we should discuss."

"Yes, you're right this low life is trying to reach the hight that we are standing....."


Suddenly their conversation stops as loud bang could be heard besides the stage area.

A female in a formal alliance military uniform is standing there with her domineering presence. Her uniform is covered with all sorts of stars and badges and by the looks of it, she is unhappy.

The loud bang was her palm slammed on the table. And that startled the chatting cadets, it took them off guard, the cadet who was facing back, almost fell down.

As bang heard, quickly everyone stops their chatting stood in unison then salute the female.


That female was non other than the history teacher that cadets are waiting for. Her name is Kate Hamilton. The stars and badges on her uniform made her some kind of general.

But she is currently active commander of 30th troopers in military ground units.

"I apologize for being late. There was a technical error in my ride. I tried my best to reach here on time." She apologies and stated the reason for her late arrival, but her tone was not a bit like someone who is apologizing.

There was a technical issue in her ride but it's not that, that really made her ride unable to fly. The real reason for her to being late is the sensor scanning 'heaven's Will' used when she activated.

Kate had just took off from her base to reach the academy when sensor scanner struck her plane and she had to made emergency landing and it took her four hours to arranged another plane.

There was displeasure in her tone like she was criticizing cadets. Hinting them she spares no efforts not to delay their education so she did not take any rest to reach here while they are wasting their time chatting not bothered about why she is late or even inquire about the matter.

There is an inquiry block online on the academic site one can inquire about the academy's affairs and other things, inquire about teachers included.

Every cadet heard that becomes pale as paper. It's not that they forgot to inquire but they ignore it and took the opportunity to relax as they had a tough day. They are pale because this very year this madam Kate, their history teacher, detained whole class which consists of 4 batches of cadets for lack of disciplinary acts. And cadets of that batches are children of very high authority!

"Now we can start the class," Kate said.

Hearing that all cadets relaxed a bit thinking that they got off so easily they feel happy about it. But their happiness shattered quickly.

"But first, all of you needs the lesson for discipline. I'll give your punishment at the end of the period as we don't have much time."

She hung all of them in suspense by saying that not stating the punishment. It made them agitated but what can they do?

"Alright then, let's start. Sit down all of you." Seeing all cadets makes ugly faces she said.

"Last time we learn about the establishment of alliance and how the group formed. Can anyone quickly repeat it?" She talked about her last lecture and asked to talk about it briefly, at the last.

A female cadet from the middle column stood up and started to explain.

"Alliance was established to defend against the threat of beast in the wilds which often attacks human establishments and create a proper solution for that. Almost all nations around the world came together, tied hands and formed an alliance. Some nations that disagreed to form alliance became rebels eventually turn into terrorist organizations. These nations don't want to be part of the alliance because if they did, they would have to share their resources without any gain. Some of which possess lots of resources and best geographical locations they started to build their own defensive measures, on the other hand alliance took some time but came up with solid results and eventually become united alliance as no nation in it wanted to break it after gaining huge success."

This female cadet explained every thing but not because she remembers, but because she wanted to make up for the bad impression from a little while ago. That's why she immediately stood up as Kate asked.

Here, Thomas didn't get affected by what might be kate's punishment, he just sited there quietly and in relaxed manner when Kate asked for brief explanation of her last topic. When the female cadet stood up and started to talk, he immediately recognized her. Her name is Miley, the daughter of one of the general in the alliance.

He knew that she is selfish, arrogant, cocky as she belongs to upper echelons of alliance. But he recognized because of what she'd done in his past when apocalypse started.