
Moving along a road, Logan and his little army were having a somewhat comfortable journey.

Vi revealed that the road they used right now was one of the main roads from the continent. It was also known as the Kingsroad.

Logan had some specific thoughts about its naming. After all, the other roads had names like Rose Road, River Road, and Gold Road. They all lead to each one of the other major houses. The only one excluded in that count being the Martell in Dorne.

And why was it that this road was named Kingsroad? Because it leads to King´s Landing or just because it was the longest road that was actually built? It did span from Castle Black down to Storm´s End after all.

In the end, this was just some curiosity of Logan acting up. What made him even more thoughtful about it was that he now knew more about the lake he came out from. It was called God´s Eye. Pretty convenient for a name.

It Looked like his benefactor Svarog had a particular pride to send his champion more grandly to another world. He was probably telling him that he is god and this was his eye and connection to this world.

But Logan did not bother long on it since with this he could at least know where exactly he was in Westeros.

That also explained why Vi knew about the tourney that would be held. It was only a few days of travel to Harrenhal if they kept on the road and then changed direction to the west.

They could even see other people traveling to the location with them. But most passed them pretty quickly with only giving them a few suspicious glances.

It was most probably because of the slow pace they used while traveling.

Sure, the horse was moving a little bit unsteady, but it remained moving at a constant pace with its confident stride. Not that Logan needed to trot or gallop anywhere.

Well, to tell the truth. If he wanted to do that, then he would probably send himself flying down to the dirt.

It was already hard enough keeping control over his horse. He never rode before, and this was an entirely new way of transportation.

His arse was already hurting from the movements, and the uncomfortable way he was sitting with Vi in front of him didn't make it better.

The only real solace in this was that his riding skill improved very fast and he was already at Beginner level 6. And with that, he could feel how it became much more comfortable to balance himself and Vi on horseback — making it less painful.

"Ser Logan...Are you sure I should keep sitting here? I could get on one of the carts and sit with the soldiers.", asked Vi now.

"It´s alright. Didn't William tell you already? With this, you can get a feeling of riding a horse. You are expected to do so soon anyway.", answered Logan back to her.

"But it feels so strange. The way the horse sways to the left and right is..."

"Don't say it...It´s just that I am not used to riding a horse with someone else on it. Hell, since I was little, I never liked riding a horse. So, don't say a word..."

"I'm sorry..."

A burst of amused laughter came from the right side. "I already told you. At some point, you will have to learn how to ride better."

Looking to the side, he could see William riding his horse very calmly as if nearly falling asleep.

"Tell me, old man. Why is Vi not riding with you then?" Logan was a little bit annoyed by his comment and asked an obvious question.

"My horse does not like people riding it besides myself...It has a very fiery nature."


[It is a certain anti-theft measure. Only the Retinue assigned to the horse may ride it. Your horse is a little bit different in that regard. And as long you are on the horse then other people may also ride on it. At some point, the horse may also recognize specific people and can be ridden by them without your presence.]

"Aint that convenient...How come you never told me that?" It was a question to William.

"Why? Is it important to know?"

"What if I had to escape or something and your horse was the only one available to use?"

"Hmm, good argument. Well, let's say you would have a bad time?"

[You can ride it as well.] Chimed the system now in.

Logan only sighed and concentrated.

[Horse Riding level up.]

And with that level up the horse became immensely more stable than before.

"See, you are getting the hang of it.", told William after he saw how the horse became steadier in its track and stopped fighting against Logan his commands with the rains.

"Tsk. Well, lets up the speed then?" Logan used the reins and increased his speed into a trot.

[Horse Riding level up.]

´Alright system. Stop informing me about that, please.´

[Understood. I will only inform you about the breakthroughs.]

´Fine by me. Better than being reminded that I still suck...´

Just at that moment when he increased the speed, and the horse started its trot, Vi nearly fell from the horse.

Logan caught her before that happened and held her waist. "Looks like with this pace its still too much for you.", he commented and decreased the pace again.

Looking at her status, he saw she was still a beginner level 3 in horse riding. Was that because she was not riding and only getting a feel for it while being with someone on a horse?

"Thank you." Vi apologized after she nearly fell and lowered her head. A particular red blush appeared on her cheeks after she saw him holding her much firmer than before.

"Don't mention it. Come to think. We have been on the road for quite some time now. Even the sun is starting to set."

Vi looked at the sky. "Yes, we will probably still take a few days to get to Harrenhal."

Logan nodded. "Alright. Lets set up a camp somewhere off the road for now."

Then he looked back at his army. "Everyone! We will set up camp here! Archers, get hunting in the surrounding forests. The others take care of preparing the camp."

After his orders, it didn't take long, and they went to a suitable place to camp a little bit of the main road while the swordsmen built up the tents and other things like a campfire the archers prepared themselves for hunting and walked off into the direction of the nearest forest.

If they get something will be shown later when they return. Logan also made sure that his archers act accordingly if someone bickers about them hunting animals. That being said they were instructed to kill if found out.

Usually, it was illegal to hunt without permission, and it would incur the wrath of the lord owning the land, but Logan could care less. No one owns nature, and he made sure to stay to that fact.

That being said he started to make himself comfortable until everything is prepared.

After letting Vi dismount the horse, he also came down from the saddle and stretched himself. His body felt somewhat rusty, and it ached all over. Especially his arse was hurting like hell.

Vi looked at him in curiosity and also mimicked his stretching. She was surprised to feel inevitable light pain in various regions after doing those exercises.

Logan noticed her behavior and smiled. "You are learning fast. Stretching helps to keep the muscles elastic. With that, you will be prone less to injury. Keep in mind to do some of it before you start training and right after it. Of course, don't even bother doing it before a battle."

Finishing up he walked over to William and talked to him. He nodded in response and went off to get something from the cart. "Alright. it is time for some sword practice.", said Logan after returning to Vi.

"Really?", asked Vi back in a somewhat surprised manner.

"Hmm? What is it? You don't feel like it?" Logan saw her slight hesitation and wondered if her will was that fickle?

"No, it is just I feel somewhat tired already."

"I see. I haven't thought about that since I don't feel tired myself. Well, go as far as you can. Exhaust yourself in training, and it will reward you later in life." Logan understood her reason, but at the same time, he wouldn't let her get an easy way out. She had to train, and that´s it.

"Yes, my lord.", She replied in a way as if she received an order. Logan looked at her with a raised brow.

William also came back at that moment with three wooden swords. He gave one to each of them and then positioned himself in front of them both with the last one.

"Good, listen up. Today I will give you a basic sword movement that you will practice until you can not hold your sword anymore. Logan, I know you got some basic body training but you never really did practice any weapons until now, right?"

"That is correct, uncle. This will be the first time for me as well."

"Why the sudden change now?" William smiled and seemed to be happy to teach him.

"I feel like I want to try it myself now. Can´t let myself get protected all the time. Just the event in the tavern showed me exactly why I need to start learning.", Logan smirked back. He kept the image of a good nephew and his uncle.

It was the truth. He did want to learn swordsmanship, and he already planned for it. In his previous life, the only things he learned were boxing and taekwondo. And those things don't have that much of a use in this world. At least not on a battlefield.

But he can still train them to improve his pugilism and one-on-one capabilities. Maybe even implement them into his style he would use later.

"Ser Logan is also a beginner?", Asked Vi now and was wondering about it. Why was a lord not educated in the sword?

"My uncle was mostly taking care of things regarding my safety. But I get the feeling that I will have to learn to protect myself now. What about you? Every held a sword?" He looked at Vi and explained why he was not trained in anything.

She was in thought for a second and nodded in understanding why after remembering that he was alone in the tavern when the bandits came.

"No, this is my first training as well. Father only told me some things but never taught me.", she shook her head with those words to answer his last question.

"Alright, enough chitchat." William his facial expression became cold and stern. He immediately stopped them both in their conversation. "It is time for training. I demand discipline. Execute this movement. I am going to show you." He grabbed the hilt of the wooden sword with both hands, lifted the sword until it was over his head and executed a vertical slashing movement to his front.

The precision in that one strike was very accurate. There was no trembling or other unwanted factors in it. He repeated it a few more times, and every attack looked precisely like the one before.

Then he stopped. "Saw it? Now, do it until you drop from exhaustion. This exercise will strengthen your grip and muscles. To wield a proper sword, you will have to master the wooden one first."

Logan and Vi both nodded and started to do the exercise on their own. William only looked over to them to see how each of them would fare.

After positioning himself so that his feet were wide and aligned to each other like in a horse stance, Logan started doing the movement. Vi followed right after.

While doing the first slash, he did notice that the wooden practice sword was specially designed to be held by two hands at its grip like an average longsword. And it looked like it's quality was out of higher materials. It even felt somewhat more cumbersome for just being a wooden sword. It was still lightweight enough to be swung easily, though.

The only reason Logan could guess why it was crafted that way is probably to simulate a real blade as well as being sturdy enough to be used in sparring later on.

After a few minutes of swinging that sword around, he could feel his muscles warming up and even start to burn and ache. They cried out in horror because he didn't stop moving that sword. And the wood that was just simple lightweight began to feel like tons of weight in no time at all.

Vi was the first to start to tremble and lost her grip on her sword more than once. Picking it always back up she continued. But at some point, she only huffed and coughed in exhaustion.

William looked her over and noticed it was her limit for now. But even then she had chewed her teeth together and executed those movements for half an hour. For a beginner that was a fantastic feat. "Pick up your sword. Do this movement now. Logan, you can also stop."

He showed them to hold the word forward and twist their wrist so that the blade went from right to left. He also changed the holding hand from his right to the left side. "Do that as long as you can as well. Then start stretching and massaging your sore arms. That will be it for today."

All in all, after the training Logan his arms and shoulders were hurting, but he didn't feel the least amount of fatigue.

´System, why do I not feel exhausted?´

[Is that not obvious? You are an undead. You will not tire out and can execute such exercises to infinity though you should take note of the increasing pain and damaged muscles. If you overdo it, you may as well cripple yourself. Right now William saved you from overdoing it. Keep moderation in mind.]

´How come I didn't get a new skill after doing some practice?´

[You did learn it. Though you did tell me only to mention you're significant breakthroughs?]

´Alright, looks like you misunderstood me. Tell me about new skills but keep those level up messages down.´

[Understood. Skill Swordsmanship acquired. Beginner level 4]

´Amazing. That little bit of training catapulted me to level 4 already?´

[Your body is unique. It regenerates much faster than ordinary people. And with that, your muscles also learn faster from practice. But don't think that it will always be as quickly as it is now. Later on, when you reached a certain standard, it will become hard to improve.]

Nodding to himself and acknowledging the warning from the system he walked over to Vi. "And? Is the training just the way you thought it would be?" He chuckled lightly while telling her that. At the same time, he tried to act as if he was somewhat exhausted as well.

[Skill Acting acquired]

She looked back at him and had to catch some breath first. "It´s somewhat different. I remember my father telling me other things...But it is effective...I am exhausted."

Logan smiled now. "The more exhaustion you feel, the better. At some point, your body will remember it all. Let's get something to eat to balance out the energy we wasted. The others already have returned and prepared something. I can smell it already."

Vylaya was a little bit confused about what he meant but nodded nonetheless. She followed him to the campfire where they could grab something to snack on. Her hunger was apparent because she started eating very eagerly.

A little bit later Logan noticed that it became eerily quiet in this small camp. So he stood up and went over to the cart.

´Hey, system. Does the shop have a guitar I can buy?´

[An acoustic guitar is only one merit point. Should I buy it?]

´Yes, please.´

[Done, please check your Inventory.]

Being prompted Logan took out the guitar and acted as if he took it out of the cart. Then he walked over back to the campfire and slowly tuned the guitar.

All the soldiers looked at him, and some even smiled after seeing the instrument. Vi also focused her attention on it. She became quite curious about it because she never saw one like that.

"Is that a musical instrument, my lord?"

"Yes, it is called a guitar...Let's see if I can still play it."

Logan smiled after thinking back to the times where he played it as a child.

Positioning the guitar on his thigh, he started to play on the strings to see if he tuned it correctly. Nodding to himself in confirmation that it sounded about right he began to think about what to play.

Then a little idea came to his mind. "Right, how about I play something I recently heard in another tavern? I think it went something like this."

And with that, he started playing the melody of The Rains of Castamere. He even started singing to it.

"And who are you, the proud lord said, that I must bow so low?.....Only a cat of a different coat....."


"and not a soul to hear."

After he stopped playing, he got few new messaged from his system.

[Skill Playing Instruments gained. Advanced level 2]

[Skill Singing gained. Intermediate level 2]

´Huh, looks like old experiences are still taken over to this world?´

[Yes, you know how to play, so I am only here to rate your skill level. Your singing though is only somewhat decent...]

´Shut up...I didn't say that I am a singer...´

His soldiers applauded him for this little performance.

Vi also smiled and clapped for him. "That was a beautiful song, my lord. I never heard someone playing an Instrument like that. Just the guitar on its own is soothing one's mind."

"Thank you." He smiled at her. "Here, I still got a lot more melodies. Let's all enjoy the little time we spend like this."

And with that, they used the rest of the time to listen to his songs. Since he was pretty good with the guitar, everyone very much enjoyed it. It was at least somewhat better than just sitting around and keeping quiet. The atmosphere even became slightly merrier.

At least Logan achieved his goal. He didn't know why but he had the thought to keep his army happy for whatever reason. But maybe it was himself getting bored somewhat.